Bitter Depth Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"It was nice." Mavis smiled as she took note of Izzy's voice, it sounded airy and distant as if love had swept her into the sky.

'With those wings he had that's probably very close to the truth.' Mavis thought.

She jumped up to face her friend with excitement, "Dennis will be a few minutes. Tell me everything!"

Izzy complied telling her friend every intense detail of the night with a goofy smile plastered on her face.

"Then," Izzy's face seemed to get serious. "We looked into each other's eyes and I felt something I have never felt before, like that exact moment was the happiest I could ever be, and I didn't want to leave. We could have stayed all night staring into each other's eyes and I would have been perfectly content. He said there was a word for it in monster language... it's what you explain happened between you and Johnny... what was that word again? A zig? A zag?"

"A ZING! YOU ZINGED WITH HARPY GUY?!" Mavis exclaimed. Her excited nature causing her to float in the air.

Izzy blushed an even deeper shade of crimson as she nodded her head. "I believe so."

"Holy Rabies!" Mavis exclaimed as she began to pace on the ceiling. "There's so much to do! We have to pick out flowers and a color scheme. I know you love blue so maybe that with a nice cream?" Izzy looked on at her friend pacing upside down on the ceiling. Her family's abilities as vampires still amazed her, but she was broken from her hypnotic trance of watching Mavis when the women kept babbling.

"Wait up. Flowers? Color schemes? What exactly are you planning up there?"

Mavis stopped mid-pace on the ceiling, their face inches from each other and Izzy could have sworn that she was in that scene from Spider-man.

"Your wedding of course!" The female vampire was practically bubbling with excitement.

"Whoa whoa whoa t's up for a second." Izzy made a timeout hand gesture, surprise written all over her face. "I can't just jump into marrying the guy we have only been on four dates; besides I don't think I'm quite ready to get married. My mom hasn't even met the guy." At the mention of her mother, Izzy's beautiful face saddened.

Coming down from her excited high, Mavis gently floated down to sit on the bed. Her hand found its way around Izzy's shoulder.

"I'm sorry I got super excited and got carried away. Why are you so sad?" That's when the realization dawned on Mavis.

"Oh, would your mom not be okay with you being with a monster?" Izzy looked at her friend shocked.

"No, I promise that's not it. To be honest, I don't really know how my mom feels about monsters, but she always raised me to see someone for their personality and heart, so I don't really think that would be a problem..." Mavis gave a light smile knowing this was an awkward subject. Suddenly the two best friends truly felt the differences between them. Izzy didn't like this feeling at all.

"I mean she was completely fine with me taking this job, excited even for the opportunity for me. She didn't care that I was going to a monster hotel."

Mavis' demeanor brightened. "Well, that's a start! Maybe she wouldn't mind you with the harpy at all! But if that's not the problem then what is?"

Izzy gave a small smile. "Okay first, his name is Asher, not harpy guy." She nudged her friend playfully as Mavis giggled. Izzy smiled faltered for a second, "The problem is my mom. I love it here it's really become my new home. I love your family and this hotel it's just..." Izzy turned to the picture on the nightstand. It was a picture of her at ten with a woman who looked to be in her late twenties. They were hugging each other and smiling.

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