IX - Realizations

Start from the beginning

"I-is that so?"

"Yes babe. I thought you just ignored her. I was gonna ask if you had a fight" said Taeha as she chuckled

Hyebin whispered "Babe? Really?"

"Shut up!" I scolded in a low voice

"Anything wrong?" Taeha asked

"Ah, no. I was just asking if I can talk to her.. in private.. is that ok?" said Hyebin

"Yes, sure. Im just about to go back to class" said Taeha while gathering her stuff. She stood up and about to kiss me
on the lips. I let her kiss my cheek instead

"See you later. Bye, Hyebin" she said and walked away

"What was that?" interrogated Hyebin as she sat in front of me


"You didn't let her kiss you"

"I did"

"But on the cheek"

I looked away and sipped some coffee

"There's something wrong. Am I right?" she asked

I'm still not answering

"Keep pretending I'm not here, and I'll keep asking questions. Are you doing the same thing again?"

"No, of course not"

"Then what's wrong?"

I looked down, let out a sigh and answered "I'm not happy. There's something missing"

"I knew it! Then why did you ask her to be your girlfriend?"

"Because she calmed my heart"


"That night when she sang to me outside my door. I stopped having nightmares. She helped me move on" I explained

"How do you know it was her when you haven't even seen that person outside your door?"

She's right

"W-well, I only heard that song from her"

"What song?"

"I don't know the title. You ask too much questions!"

"Deal with it. Now, can you sing that song?"

"What? No!"

"Come on, we were once part of the music club until we decided to run for student council" she chuckled

"Okay.. but I don't know the entire song"

"I'm listening"

"Only one you, I'm in love, you.. Something like that"

"I feel like I've heard that somewhere" she said, while touching her chin, trying to recall where she heard the song

"I only heard that song from Taeha"

"So you concluded it was her. Was it the same voice?"

"I-i don't know. Honestly it feels different when we're together and she sings to me"



"You assumed it was her just because you heard her sing that song"

"But I've been waiting for someone to sing that song. And she's the only one who sang it"

Hyebin laughed

"Don't laugh at me. This is serious"

"Really now? You and your logical thinking. If I were you, I would ask her first where she learned that song, let her sing outside my door and make sure it was her before asking her to be my girlfriend"

Wow! Hyebin can really be a great detective

I haven't thought of that

"I don't think that's what you would do if you were in my position and Taeha was JooE" I teased

She blushed "Don't change the subject. We're talking about you"

"Speaking of which, here she comes"

"Who?!" she's not moving from where she sits

"Your JooE"  I said while looking at her.

She's still not moving until I burst out laughing

She looked around and there was no sign of JooE

"You're such an evil person!" she said throwing a crumpled tissue on me

"You should've seen your face" I said laughing and immitating how she looked

She laughed too

I've missed this. Laughing out loud with my best friend

"Oh well. That was a good laugh" she said while wiping the tears from laughing too hard

"On a serious note, think about what I said. I just don't want you to come knocking and tell me you've made the wrong decision"

"I didn't"

I hope I didn't


There you go :)

Thanks to my brother who shared his data. My internet connection is currently down

Sad life. lol



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