Crew Expendable.

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Bolivia was a fucking shithole. To Y/N this was a sad fact of life for the small nation. El Sueño made sure those that opposed him and his Totalitarian regime. Turning Bolivia into a Narco State. The United States interest in Bolivia was almost destroyed when it publicly became known as one.

That's when Ghosts were sent in.

The four Operators were as followed
Lieutenant Y/N "Checkmate" Baker.
Staff Sergeant Riley "Nomad" Carlson
Sergeant Marcus "Torch" Vierri
Corporal Gavin "Lancer" Takashi

The four man team were the best of the best for American Black Ops and Sabotage ops. However even they had their limits. During a routine  breach and clear, two of four members of Alpha Nine were captured, Checkmate and Lancer. The US government would disavow them...They'd be tortured and killed slowly. All of this worried Bowman. They were her family here. All five of them. Two of them gone would ruin things...She sighed heavily, the weight of being the team's handler crashing on her. Hard. Bowman knew that the US would disavow all five of them if required. They were expendable...However...She had an old friend.

One with ties to Rainbow. Picking up "the Red Phone" she decided to call Six.

"Bowman. I assume this isn't a social call." Six's professional voice rang out. Of course it wasn't. The red phone was meant for emergencies only.

"I need a favor, Six...Two of my men got captured by El Sueño, and I need them out. U.S has them disavowed." She explained breathlessly. After all she needed this to go swimmingly.

"If it's any factor one of them is related to one of your S.A.S boys." She hoped this would sweeten the deal..

All was silent for many minutes. You could hear a pin drop as everything felt frozen. Before Six sighed audibly. "I'll get a volunteer team ready for deployment."

Bowman sighed in relief, thanking whatever god above convinced her to do this. Before freezing at her next words.

"On the condition I get one of your ghosts as an Operator for Rainbow."

Bowman was in a tough position, she didn't want to give away any of her family yet...To get them back she had no other choice. Sighing she'd agree quietly enough for Six to hear before hanging up and staring at the picture upon her wall.

 Sighing she'd agree quietly enough for Six to hear before hanging up and staring at the picture upon her wall

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Smiling faintly at the photo she'd shake her head and prepare for Rainbow's quiet arrival to their location.


Six was silent after hearing Bowman's agreement. She'd need a team of her best to complete this operation without scrutiny coming to Rainbow. Finally she'd get on the intercom and let every operator know they were to meet in the briefing room in five minutes.

Getting up she'd briskly make her way to said room, with the files of each Ghost operative in hand. Mike wasn't going to like the news of his estranged son in trouble. Seeing most of the Operators present she'd begin with a cough to gather their attention.

"Rainbow, not long ago I was contacted by an old friend, who has hit a bit of trouble in regards to their operation. What you are about to learn is top secret and will not leave this room. If it does and you're discovered to be the one leaking information you won't have a career ever again."

Six warned them seriously, this would be a federal crime and technically treason by divulging said secrets. "Your mission is in Bolivia, to rescue several Disavowed Operatives of the United States." Upon saying that she'd see multiple emotions cross the room. Worry from the Americans, clenched fists, tensed postures. S.A.S was also worried. G.I.G.N seemed to be mildly worried yet intrigued. Most of GSG9 didn't care. S.A.T, 707th, and Vicente didn't seem too worried yet...Caveira seemed worried, surprising her the most.

"The first is their Commanding officer. Name is Y/N "Checkmate" Baker-" Upon finishing that statement it seemed Mike tensed up and leaned in. Suddenly twice as worried and interested than before, wringing his hands in nervousness. "Checkmate is one of two operatives for Ghost Team Alpha-Nine captured, the other being the newest addition. Corporal Gavin "Lancer" Takashi. These men are being held by El Sueño, the leader of Bolivia from the shadows and its head Cartel Member. While not present currently, he is known right now to be in cohorts by selling the White Mask organization weapons and equipment. Making this our problem as much as theirs. Those operatives have sensitive information, and if they're killed it will compromise the U.S internationally for quite some time due to the scrutiny. Furthermore, one member of Alpha Nine is to join Rainbow by the end of this."

Six explained as every operator absorbed the information quietly. Before six spoke again. "This mission is volunteer only...Meaning if this goes AWOL then we cannot send you aid at all."

Before she even finished Thatcher stood up. "I'm in." He'd say calmly shocking the entire room. The SAS was surprised due to the meant he was furious. While the rest of the room wondered why Six nodded at him. Six others volunteered as well. Tachanka, Ash, Ela, Thermite, Montagne, and Doc.

The Team was assembled...Now the question was if they'd get there in time or not.

As for Mike Baker? He worried for his son...His only son in the hands of El Sueño even if he didn't technically exist due to the Ghost Program.

Make no mistake. He'd make sure they learned why a Baker was feared...With a six inch blade.

AN: That's a wrap for chapter 1.

This is my first time trying a story like this would like some feedback or course, and if whether or not you wish for a pairing with Checkmate, or if you wish to change his operator name.

Anyways this is Spoof signing off.

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