When Yuzu Doesn't Wake Up

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A: I feel bad for breaking your hearts but I hope this will make up for it!!!

I see yuzu on the couch she seems to be watching a movie as she munches on popcorn "yuzu what you watching" she doesn't look way from the movie "a dogs way home" I sit next to her "so whats this about" "its about a dog who has lost her owner to a contractor hes an ass and her journey home also what movies do you like" the credits rolls on and I look at her "well I don't know I never really watched while I was a kid" she shrugs "ok then so you pick our next one ill make more popcorn" I search for the name of a movie I watch years ago im shocked when I find it I click it "hm a horror movie I didn't know you like them mei" she sits down "alright lets watch this 

(a few hours later)

yuzu is half asleep she plays with the ring around my neck "you know this needed to be shined up" she wraps it around her finger "you sleepy?" she snuggles into my chest "mmmmhmmm" she looks adorable half passed out I run my fingers through her hair causing her to fall asleep as I carry her to bed I clean up after putting her to bed I curl next to her "night my yuzu" I hold her close to me I love you

(the morning)

I wake up with her in my arms I get up "yuzu get up" she just snuggles deeper in the pillow I smirk as I go to her lips I kiss the top then I go to the bottom she wiggles  bit  love to wake her up like this I kiss down her neck and I nip causing her to jump out of bed "waahhhh z-zombie!!" she hits her head on the floor "ow" I laugh "yuzu I dint expect you to jump like that its cute!!" she glares "did you bite me mei" I just turn nd leave out the door "hey take responsibility" I shake my head "I hve no idea what your talking about" she glares "hm whatever mei" we chuckle "lets get ready"

A:short and sweet is the way to go boys

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