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"I am sure you'll like this one though," we heard Nisha say and she covered Sia's eyes so we could place the dog in her hands.

"That's what he says every time," Sia mumbled, her hands poking the poor dog before she gasped in realization.

"Tada!" Sana yelled in exuberance while the dog happily barked and wailed its tail at Sia

"No freaking way. How did you get him?" Sia mumbled back with equal excitement, hugging the dog to her chest, "He's perfect. Thank you Sana."

"I deserve more than just a thanks, Sia, I had to pull so many strings, convince so many people for this boy," Sana teased with a chuckle, throwing Sia a side hug.

"What do you mean?" I ask curiously.

"Long story. I need popcorn before that," she shrugs back as she saunters towards the cabinets, scanning them one at a time. That girl really has a problem. She eats more popcorn in a day than I have in a year. I wouldn't be surprised if one day the doctor informs us that she has popcorn accumulating in her body.

"Dad, where are you running?" Sid breaks my chain of thoughts as we watch my dad, dressed neatly in a crisp black suit, rush hurriedly towards the living room

"Your mother is stepping out the car, she got here through the private jet. Hurry up, clean up any messes you made," he yelled over his shoulder causing all of ours jaws to drop. She was supposed to come back next week.

She is here now. My mother is here. She is stepping out the car. She is going to see Kace. Oh shit.

It was as if a bucket of cold water was dropped on me because my brain froze at the realization. What am I supposed to do? She was going to burn me alive. I concluded firmly, groaning in defeat.

"How am I supposed to clean up a person?" I ask aloud for my siblings. They looked at my in confusion for a second before laughing out loud. Traitors.

"Go distract her while I ask Kace to shift to guest room by my room. I'll make sure she doesn't enter there," Nisha hurriedly steps up to help me. God bless her soul.

"On it," I mumbled hurriedly and in the process, I let my hair out from the its bun. Wiggling my head so that my thick brown hair cascades its way to my shoulders so that I look more presentable.

I hastily open the door, quickly tossing aside my bunny flip flops only to see flashes of lights hit my face. I closed my eyes as a reflex before slowly opening them back to see a crowd of cameras snapping away my pictures. Oh my god. What was happening?

"What? Reporters? Where is mom-oh," I think out loud before the realization hit me like a brick wall. I walked out of the wrong door. My mother was coming from the back door, the only entrance we ever used. This entrance that I just walked in was for reporters, guests and clients only. The main entrance contained a huge garden at the side and a fountain in the centre. Behind the fountain was our house. The reporters and I were separated by a couple of steps and I prayed desperately that they don't cover the distance.

Color leeched my face as I stared at the reports gawking at me in shock. Well, it was not everyday that an Youtube sensation walks out of the house lazily dressed in her black tank top and blue night shorts.

"Is Kace Harwin in the house?" a reporter questioned, quickly breaking from the spell.

"Why are you supporting him? Are you involved in his plan?" another asked from behind.

Yes, obviously I want to go around hacking into company's accounts to steal money because I already don't have enough, I sarcastically mumbled to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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