"Yeah... I didn't mean anything though really I didn't" she whispered

"It's okay forget about it" I shrugged it off pulling out a shirt I bit my lip and looked at the tag I frowned deeply and put it back sassily

Once we went through that she had 4 shirts over her arm and I was just swinging my arms clapping when my hands swung in front of me

I saw the bras I started to stroll closer and she noticed "ooh look bralettes!" She squeaked I sighed the dreaded moment of the bralettes

I followed her we started looking through the bins and as always I found nothing that could fit me meanwhile she was getting handfuls I sighed then gasped as I made eye contact with the cutest of all cute underwear!

Baby pink Calvin Klein set I ran over the band was white with black print the bra cups were triangular with spaghetti straps the underwear was the same color same band it was cheeky cut I bit my lip hard and I peeked in to see the size


I squeaked and yanked it off the rack

"Ohh let me see" I turned and showed Amanda she oohed

"Sooooo cute" she nodded

"I have to get it like I have to" I shook my head I didn't know the price and I don't think I wanted to know I just had to have it

"For sure! But you didn't like these?" She pointed to the bins

I frowned "I did a lot of them actually but none of them were my size I absolutely looooove bralettes but I so rarely find them in my size" I shrugged

"The struggle" she put a hand over her heart "I wouldn't know I barely have anything there" she laughed I laughed with her I shook my head

"You're too funny to work in an office"

"Trust me I'm not, I'm not usually funny you just you've got this chill vibe" she shimmied her hand wiggling a bit I huffed a laugh

"You sure? I'm told my resting bitch face is a bit of a put off" I joked

"Haven't seen it but even if I had I know you now sooo I'd know what's behind those soul crushing gold green eyes" she nudged me

"Yeah yeah" I shook my head

"Can I go potty real quick while we're by the bathroom?" She pointed

"Sure here" I took her stuff and let her run

A few minutes later she shuffled back out shaking her hands I handed her her pile back and we walked to check out she went first I checked out and we started to walk back to the front together

"So Mr.Styles girlfriend... what do you do for work?"

I laughed and didn't feel it necessary to correct her "I work here in the mall actually in Sephora" I pointed back at it she turned to look

She furrowed her eyebrows "oh... I thought you were in the medical field the way he spoke of you I thought..." she trailed off

"I aspire to be in the medical field I've actually got training to be on an ambulance as an EMT but I was trying to get into college and set up classes so I could tell my employer my availability better to start a job later than expected than get fired for unavailability" I shrugged

She nodded "I-I'm sorry I'm confused... how old are you?"

"How old do you think I am?"

"24- 26?" She raised her eyebrows

"I'm 19" I mumbled

She looked like she forgot how to breathe "pardon?"

"I'm 19 years old" I repeated "is there something wrong?"

She shook her head and blinked rapidly "n-no no just I never would have thought- and Mister Styles n-never goes for young girls... ever ,I mean Not Ever, youngest was I-I think 28" she looked around and squinted at me "umm I'm sorry really I am I'm a little confused you really are... polar opposite"

I kinda felt offended I frowned "why are you so confused I'm not good enough for Harry?"

She gasped "no no no that's not what I'm saying!" She shook her head and stepped closer to me reaching for my arms I stepped back "Alexis really... none of this is an insult I'm just-"

"Confused I get it!"

"Yes but the last girl he was with cheated" she blurted then paused "she and all his other girls were kinda like carbon copies so... I think I may see why he's dating you"

I nodded "it was really great meeting you Amanda I think I'll go now" I turned away really annoyed

I got in my car and huffed pinching the bridge of my nose

He's not my boyfriend, we aren't in a relationship I don't need to know his other business ,because this is all literally business, those girls are nothing to him just as much as they are nothing to me I knew he had other sugar babies

Why did she have to say anything as if she knows anything about him?!

I shouldn't get so involved I shouldn't be so annoyed

No No fuck that! He's mine even if it's just contractually he's mine Harry Edward- Fucking -Styles is mine legally! legally that's even better

I smirked "dumb bitch"

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