Chap 21

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{Idk why but this song stuck while I'm writing this chapter. Haha. Maybe you guys can play this song as background music while reading this chapter. Idk if it fits tho. Haha.}


7 tahun kemudian

[TIME] Top 50 Most Inspiring Young Man

#10 Young CEO of MONX Holdings - Afif Ryan

[TIME ASIA EDITION] Top 10 Young Asian Boss

#1 New Crown MONX Holdings CEO - Afif Ryan

[FORBES] Top 50 Millionare under 40 in the World

#35 Afif Ryan - MONX Holdings

[VOUGE] Young, Bright and Handsome - The Key of MONX Holdings Success?

"Young, bright and handsome is what can best describe Afif Ryan, the new crown CEO of MONX Holdings. A true drama series heroes coming alive, Afif Ryan had been working hard to bring MONX Holdings back in the spotlight since the last 7 years. After breaking sweat and tears to get an exclusive interview with this bright - might as well said genius - young man during his visit to MONX Holdings New York Headquarters, we finally sat down to have this exclusive interview with him...."

[BUSINESS] MONX Holdings Ruling the New York Market AGAIN. Is It Because Of Their New Young CEO?

"We all know how MONX Holdings, almost gone from New York market last 7 years when suddenly they announced they are at the brink of bankruptcy. They DO disappear but just for a while. Now after 7 years, they come back AGAIN, claiming the once-theirs number 1 spot in the New York market. Saying they aiming for the US and Europe market - after ruling almost of the Asia market - they are becoming the real MONster of the business world. Talking to their new young CEO is surely a thrilling new experience..."

Perasmian MONX Business School

"Saya harap dengan tertubuhnya sekolah ini bakal melahirkan ramai usahawan dan ahli perniagaan berjaya di usia muda. Sekolah yang dibina dan dibiaya sepenuhnya oleh MONX Holdings menerima semua pelajar dengan pelbagai jenis latar belakang." Afif berucap yakin di hadapan 300 pelajar batch pertama MONX Business School dan juga wartawan dari pelbagai jenis station televisyen.

"Kami juga akan menjamin peluang pekerjaan bagi pelajar kami di sini, baik di dalam atau di luar negara. You all know how global MONX Holdings is right?" kata-kata Afif disambut dengan sorakan dari semua pelajar yang hadir. Afif senyum.

Melihat segala usaha 8 tahunnya membuahkan hasil, Afif tersenyum bangga. Kini di hadapannya ini adalah barisan orang muda yang juga suatu hari nanti akan mengambil alih tugasnya malah mungkin menjadi lebih baik daripadanya.

Irwina melihat jam tangannya. Tinggal 30 minit lagi sebelum press conference Afif berkenaan perlantikannya sebagai CEO MONX Holding's berlangsung. Afif dilantik menjadi CEO MONX Holding's sewaktu lawatannya ke Headquarters MONX Holdings di New York minggu lepas.

"Boss, we have press conference in 30 minutes." Irwina berkata melalui headset. Afif mengangguk perlahan.

"That's all from me. Have a nice day everyone. Assalamualaikum."

Kemudian Afif terus mendapatkan Irwina di tepi dewan.

"Driver dah sedia?" soal Afif sambil meneguk minuman yang dihulur oleh Irwina. Irwina mengangguk.

"Dah boss."

Mereka berjalan kearah kereta BMW yang siap menunggu di luar dewan. Mereka memecut pula ke tempat press conference berlangsung.

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