When I got home, I order the maids to prepare for my mom's arrival, she'll be spending two weeks, I made the maids fill the house with different kind of foodstuff, junks and drinks, I've not seen my mom in six month and I really miss her.

She called me she'll be here early tomorrow or tonight and I happily anticipate her arrival with my saucy 14 year old sister.

The next day, my phone rang, I checked the time it's just 6am, I checked the called ID and realised it's my mom's Nigeria number.

"Hello mom, you are in Nigeria already"

"Yeah son"

"I'll be in at the airport in a jiffy" I said and stood up to rush out when the door flung open.

"We are here already!" My mom entered and said in a excited singing tone.

"How come mom?" I asked as I gasped

"Come hug momma naughty boy" she teased and I embraced my mom, I saw Kylie glaring daggers at me and I stepped back slowly and asked mom.

"Should I run mom?" I asked with full fear

"Ermmm, I think it's better you fly, she's gonna roast you" she said and walked away as my little sister attacked me and I screamed like a 5 year old girl that saw a monster.


I went to work as usual the next day after spending the whole day with my mom and sister, I entered the company and the workers greeted with their heads bowed as usual. Since Bianca isn't here, I called felicity to come state my schedule.

"What's my schedule for today?" I asked with my eyes focused on a file that was just delivered to me.

"Sir, only miss Onuorah knows that, I'll call her if you want" she said and I looked at her with my heart beating fast

" is she at work?" I asked sharply

"Yeah, she actually came to pick something and decided to stay and work for a while" she said and I smiled.

"Never mind, you can leave" she said. I stood up and the door opened. It's my mom and my sister.

"Mom, I told you I won't stay long at work" I said and they sat while my sister walked around checking things out.

"Don't touch anything Kylie" I said

"Calm your nerves, I won't" she shot at me and my mom smiled.

"The last time I was here is 15years ago, it has really changed" my mom said and we were interrupted by a knock. Bianca came in.

"Good morning sir, I didn't know you have a visitor, I'll come back later" she said and turned to leave but stopped.

"Wait! Is that Jeanette?" She gasped and moved forward.

"Hello and you are?" My mom said with a wide smile

"Bianca, Mr Wellington's PA" bianca replied excitedly. "I'm a big fan Mrs Wellington"

"Oh! Thank you... It seems I've seen you somewhere before but I can't recall" my mom said trying to remember. The both of them kept talking and leaving me out of it, fortunately Kylie came and interrupted.

"Ethan! Is this your girlfriend?" She asked and everyone gasped.

"Errrm..." I tried to think of what to say but my impatient sister asked again.

"No?... Oh! She's your fiancée?"

"Stop that Kylie!" Mom said

"Okay mom... Oh my God, I love your earrings" she shrieked.

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