We only managed to win against him on the Winter Cup in our third year of middle school, and only because Kise-kun and Shige entered the zone. Unluckily I did not know if beating him worked or it did not.

I only did when Kise-kun and I entered our class in high school and Aomine-kun received me with a big smile and a happy: "Tetsu!"

We started dating right away, for three years. As much as I loved Shige, I am big enough to admit that Aomine-kun was and still is the love of my life.

His rough play during sex, his animalistic possessiveness, his handsome figure, his formless and free play, his bright smile, how he always seems ro sense whenever I'm close... the tears I shed after we had to break up when he left for the U.S for him to fulfil his dream to be a basketball player. Nowadays The Bulls are proud to have him as their Ace.

My third relationship did not start in the most traditional way. Maybe I should have foreseen that things would not end right.

Kise-kun, Shige and I had just moved into our own department and gotten used to our practise schedules, we were starters as you can guess. The basketball team had invited us to a party and we had assisted. I am not proud to admit that

I got drunk that night, I had to find a way to stop thinking about Aomine-kun for a second. The next day I woke up in an unknown place and my phone being spammed by my worried sick roommates.

Strangely my one night stand did not make things weird, if anything he treated me normally and even made me breakfast- he was a great cook! It was my first night stand but it did not feel disgusted by myself or anything. The ideal situation was to forget about that man and never see him again... but things don't always go the way you want them too.

Kagami Taiga, ended up being the other star our university's basketball team recruited- the Ace of the team. I had never had such an awkward practice before in my entire life. After it, he invited me for coffee and that's how we started dating.

We called it dating but we were more like friends with benefits if anything. We hang out like friends usually do, we were affectionate like siblings, but the only difference was that whenever one of the two felt lonely we had sex to comfort the other.

We were trying to fill an emptiness inside the other. We were the rebound guy of the other. I tried to forget about Aomine-kun with Kagami-kun, while Kagami-kun tried to forget about how much he missed the States and his life there with me. It wasn't the mist conventional relationship but we lasted a year.

Maybe that's why I tried to cry myself to sleep when Kagami-kun left me for Kise-kun, cause it was suppose to hurt, I could not shed a single tear.

Poor Kise-kun, he was so scared about me hating me and felt so guilty about "stealing" my man. It took me a while before convincing him that I was fine and he could be happy for once and not be afraid of hurting me.

On my second year in college I focused myself on my studies and work, though whenever things got stressful I met with someone... well, to find relief. Which lead me to my only two one night stands that never lead to anything but a night of passion. Both men that I hates but felt attracted to as well: Haizaki-san and Gold-san. I kind of needed some rough treatment at the time.

Though it did not sit well with my friends.

They are overprotective like that. They forbade me from having another one night stand, scolding me that I was being reckless and stupid. That I was lucky with Kagami-kun but the others won't be so nice, point and case Haizaki-san and Gold-san.

It wasn't as if I was drunk like with Kagami-kun. Yes, they were rough but did not mean that they forced me into something I did not want. And it wasn't as if I went out looking for someone to sleep with. It was something of the moment. Something that only happens three times, and one of this times ended up with a relationship.

But still these situations lead Kise-kun to organize me into various blind dates throughout my third year he set me up with different people. Four of those blind dates lead to nothing, if anything I ended up playing Cupid and matching them up with each other. Midorima-kun and Takao-kun made such a good couple, as Murasakibara-kun and Himuro-kun.

It might have not been the outcome that Kise-kun desired but it did help with the stress, which meant I did not have to find relief somewhere else.

On my fifth try it worked. Mayuzumi-kun had the same taste as me, like my dog, put school before his relationship- which meant that I felt less pressure into the relationship- but the problem fell on the fact that we were too similar. We were simply together because we wanted to be with someone.

When one day Shige came home, complaining about breaking up with another girlfriend, I found a way out of my relationship- by getting them together. I was Shige's longest relationship, and Mayuzumi-kun was similar enough to attract him but different enough so he won't feel like ha was dating me all over again. And as I mentioned before, Mayuzumi-kun has the same taste like me.

As planned, they fit perfectly together. I had such a good eye with couples that I decided to change my decision on specializing in children psychology to couple and family counselling. But for that I still had a while year of studying.

A year of college that I planning on dedicating myself to concentrate on my studies. I had enough on my plate with skipping a year of college, having to prepare my thesis and working at the psychology area of the Midorima Hospital, for dating. But Kise-kun thinks that two years without a stable relationship was enough and had to set me up... again.

Does he not see that he is not a good match maker? That I am alright on my own as I am. That I do not need a date...

"Kuroko-san?" Someone called me, snapping me out of my memories.

"Yes?" I replied, before looking up and freezing.

Right there stood the most handsome man I've ever seen in my entire life. Yes, Aomine is drop dead handsome but he more the roguish kind of beauty. The one that gives out the bad boy aura. His height, behaviour and talent imposes to people to pay attention to him.

This man, on the other hand, simply by entering a room imposes you to look at him and demands respect. He is my height, a bit taller, has bright red hair styled back, wearing a very elegant and expensive suit. But what enchanted me were his eyes, those two red rubies that held hidden within so much. Such a mysterious man that had me desiring to know more.

This is the first time that a man had such an effect on me.

"My name is Akashi Seijuurou, I will be your date tonight" he presented himself... and fuck what a voice.

Thank you Kise-kun! Thank you... 

The tremendous love life of Kuroko Tetsuya {Book 1} [KnB]Where stories live. Discover now