Kuroko Tetsuya.

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Why did I ever let Kise-kun convince me into this... again? I sighed internally.

This was my fifth blind date already. It wasn't as if I were a virgin or had never dated in my life before. Yeah lately I've been a bit dry and keeping to college only, but no need for him to match me up with someone.

Though I believe it's mostly out of guilt. Kise-kun has the bad habit of falling for my boyfriends.

Thinking back about my old relationships, my love life has been quite memorable really.

It all began on my first year of middle school when my childhood friend and I started feeling weird around each other, nervous whenever our hands accidentally touched or blushing when our eyes met. We never said anything, we didn't want our friendship to be ruined by unrequited feelings.

It was only when I met Kise-kun on my second year that things really became to change. I was in charge of Kise-kun when he entered the basketball team. At first he looked down on me but after playing with me he began to admire me... and when I mean admire he began to follow everywhere and flirt with me whenever he could!

Let's just say that Ogiwara did not like that at all.

He was so jealous that he did not stop to think it twice before kissing me in front of Kise-kun, making his claim clear. That day I won a boyfriend and a best friend- the thing is that even though Kise-kun admired me he did not like me like that. I was more a role model to him that anything else. And even tough, he can be annoying as hell sometimes, he is always there for me. And I have to admit that I really like being admired so much by someone after normally being invisible.

Shige was my first friend, my first crush, my first kiss, my first date, my first love, my first relationship and my first time. I gave him all my first times and I do not regret it... that's why when he moved all the way to Hokkaido that made it so hard. I loved him too much to tie him to me with hopes of seeing each other during summers and with the hopes of going to the same university. I wanted for him to live his life the fullest, so I let him go. Not because I did not love him, but because I did.

I still kept in contact with him, he still was my best friend and ex-teammate. We- Kise-kun, Shige and I- always met during summer and now we go to the same university, we even are roommates in the same department. I thought that we would feel hurt or jealous when the other started ro date someone else, but none of that happened. Our friendship was not ruined by getting into a relationship, instead we were rewarded with beautiful memories.

My second relationship almost ruined another friendship for me... I really like making things harder for myself, don't I.

Kaijo scouted Kise-kun and myself, the Copycat and Phantom of Teiko. But they also recruited the Ace of Touo: Aomine Daiki.

Shige and I met Aomine-kun during the Inter High in our first year. We won that competition, though only by a but and because we had a strong team play that Touo did not have. Aomine-kun was a beast, a predator panther that could not be stopped. We won the Winter Cup that year too and Nationals was a breeze, as we did not have Touo as competition. He was a great person and someone I admired deeply. Playing basketball against him was so much fun.

Though, things started to go south when he woke up his potential during our second year in middle school. It hurt seeing his smile vanish slowly the longer he played basketball. He kept respecting my team, as we were the only ones that gave him some challenge and did not give up. But his pride grew as big as his head. He began saying things as: "The only one who can beat me is me".

I wanted to see him smile again, I wanted him to enjoy basketball again. Maybe I should have notice that it was then that I started feeling something for the bluenette. Bad thing that I was not the only one, Kise-kun was also head over heels for him. I will never forget how he stepped away to let me be happy.

The tremendous love life of Kuroko Tetsuya {Book 1} [KnB]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu