Chapter 19~ Here We Go.

Start from the beginning

I smiled and intertwined our legs. "How long do you think we'll stay in Texas?" 

"A few weeks. I need to go to Austin, then I have to stop by Houston." He said. 

When he said Houston my stomach cringed. I'm not sure I want to go back to Houston yet. What about Kelly? I don't want to see my family yet. What am I going to tell them? "Hey sorry I've been gone so long. I've been busy being a prostitute on the streets of Brooklyn, New York." I don't think that'd go over very well. 

"But listen you don't have to see or talk to anyone you don't want to." He said. 

I nodded my head against his chest. Part of me still fears going back to Houston. 


I finished getting dressed then I walked out of Shawn's room to find Kelly. She was still in the back room but now the door was locked. 

I knocked on the door twice, "It's me Kel." 

I heard her footsteps then she opened the door. 

"Goodmorning." I said. 

She smiled and rubbed her neck. 

"You alright?" 

She nodded her head, "Yeah. I'm just sore. It'll all be better soon." 

"I actually need to talk to you about something." I said. 

"Good or bad?"

"Depends on your perspective." I said.

"What is it?" 

"Shawn asked me if I would go to Texas with him for a few weeks, and I said yes." I said waiting for her response. 

"And?" She said. 

"Do you want to stay here, or? Cause I don't want to just leave you alone. You need to rest and you need someone to be with you."

"I can stay with Stella until you get back. I think you should go to Texas! It'd be good for you." 

"Are you sure?" I asked. 

"Yes. I'll either be okay or croak while you're gone." She jokingly said. 

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." 

She smiled and walked back in the room. 

"You hungry?" I asked. 

"You cooking?" 

I chuckled, "I could." 

"Then no." 

I rolled my eyes and we both laughed. 

"I could get Shawn to fix us something or we could go pick something up?" I offered. 

"Get Shawn to fix something." She said. 

I smiled and walked out of the room, "Alright."

I walked down the hallway looking for Shawn. 

"Shawn?" I said walking into the kitchen. 

"He's downstairs ma." A random man who was rolling a joint at the kitchen table said. 

I smiled, "Thanks." 

I walked back down the hallway to the stairs. I walked downstairs to a dark room. It was smokey and smelled like a mixture of sweat, marijuana, and alcohol. I walked past a few women who were sitting on the floor smoking weed and doing whatever other drugs they had. 

I walked into another room that had more light and Shawn was sitting at a table with a few men. 

"Jay, baby. Do you need anything else?" I watched as a tall skinny tramp snaked her hand around Shawn's neck. I was fit to be tied. 

"Get your hands off him." I said walking further into the room. 

Shawn stood up and turned around. 

"Bey, baby. You shouldn't be down here." 

"Why? So she can suck your dick?" I asked. 

"Who the fuck are you?" The tramp asked. 

"None of your fucking buisness bitch." I said glaring at her. 

"Amber shut up, Bey chill." Shawn said walking closer to me. 

"No whenever your done with that come upstairs." I said turning around to walk upstairs. 

Shawn followed me threw the room of random women and up the stairs. 

"Bey wait." Shawn said. 

I walked into his room and to no surprise he followed me. 

"Talk to me." 

"What's there to talk about?" I asked clearly pissed. 

"Are you mad?" 

No. Not at all, dumbass. 

"Why would I be? I mean she just had her arm all around you, calling you baby, she probably would've fucked you if I hadn't of walked in." I said starting to turn around. 

I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist. I sighed as I gave up trying to get away from him. 

"Mmm..are you jealous Beyonce?" He asked leaning his head down on my shoulder. 

"Why would I be?" 

"Admit it, you were jealous." He pestered. 

I didn't say anything for about two minutes. 

"Admit it." He repeated, 

"Fine. I didn't like the way she had her arm around you and called you baby. Only because you're mine." I said leaning my head back against his shoulder. 

"I find that very sexy." He wispered into my ear. 

I shivered whiched caused him to chuckle. 

He bit my ear lobe then left a soft trail of kissed down my neck. He found my sweet spot and started kissing and sucking on it drawing small moans out of my mouth. 

"Shawn." I said. 


"We can't. Not now. I'm hungry, Kelly's hungry. That's why I came down there to find you." I said. 

"I've got something I could feed you." He said while continuing to kiss down my neck. 

"Shawn we can't." I said pulling away from him. 

I turned around so I was now facing him. 

"What do y'all fatasses want?" He asked. 

I gasped which caused him to laugh. 

"And just so you know. I love your fat ass." He said before kissing my forehead. 

I rolled my eyes then followed him to the kitchen. 

Sorry it's taken me so long to update. I'm on vacation so I've been spending a lot of time with my family. I promise I'll update again soon. Thank you guys so much! If y'all have any ideas or suggestions about this story let me know. Comment & Vote!! 

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