"It seems pretty solid, but we wont be able to discuss it here, we're going to have to speak in a sort of code, maybe our race's language. Biloxan and Esthercal are pretty similar, actually they're the same thing but we wont say that because well you know the story."

"I don't get it, why are we so similar yet so different?"

"It's sort of a long story but seeing as you deny to eat lunch every day and there's one hour left to kill I'll tell it. Long ago before the Cosmos were ever born one race existed, Pazaequalex. The leaders of the Pazaequalex; Zafark, and Quelxa had two children. Estherclex and Biloxi. Biloxi was a calm and gentle girl with Red eyes much like her fathers, she spread peace and helped her parents create everything that ever existed, the big bang as they called it. Estherclex was the oldest by mere minutes, destined to rule as soon as his father passed away, he was the complete opposite of Biloxi, he destroyed things and caused wars or fights where ever his presence was felt with red eyes like his mother. His father demanded he was executed, their race was a calm and peaceful race and he didn't't want it to be tainted by his foulness. His mother believed she saw good in him and so they banished him to live on a planet of his own, a woman who had been deeply in love with him proposed he shouldn't live by himself, have some company, others who Estherclex managed to convince to do evil were also vanished there, Estherclex demanded the planet be named after him, Esther. After his parents passed he tried to regain his rightful place as the leader along with his wife, the woman who was in love with him. Biloxi and him began their first war, and of course good overthrew evil, Biloxi claimed the leadership and wanted to verify that in no way was her race equal or connected to Esthercals as she began calling them, the name stuck and she named her race Biloxans, both of their races were rivals from there on. Biloxi created a planet for her kind, naming it after her parents; Quexlafark. Of course some of the Esthercals can be born without the evil of their kind but their parents force them into their evil ways and it's not so hard considering they did originate from some horrible parents, but if an Esthercal can't be changed into any evil ways they are thrown into jail, executed, banished or made into a type of lab rat." 

"Like my mother?" I questioned. William nodded, he continued by telling that some Biloxans were born evil and of course we have punishments for that too, one is execution if they have done evil far beyond the one's for which you are banished. It seemed like a reasonable story, but it also seemed unfair. Why couldn't two siblings get along? Why had a father been so cruel, maybe that's where Estherclex got it from. Why couldn't they just deal with all the bad people the way we did? What would it have felt like if me and Alice were the ones going against each other, how could two siblings be so heartless to each other? 

A loud siren rang, the signal for lunch to be done, everyone stood up and returned to their cells, William gave me a kiss on the cheek before he left but pulled away immediately. His lips were red and my cheek had been burned, the skin was hotter than any of the other times this happened. Before he was able to apologize two guards came over with my regular feet chains, they gripped my arms and took me back to my room, it took about two minutes for them to chain me up and seal the room, I was bored 90% of the time, the other 10% I was asleep, it's such a short percentage for sleep because of all my dreams, I try not to fall asleep. Again I began to wander into my own thoughts, lost to a different world. My thoughts never left the topic of my sister, I wondered how she'd been holding up. 

Bianca! Oh my god I thought you were dead! I'm okay how are you? and where are you? Alice's voice broke through my thoughts, I must've been communicating with her on accident.

I'm alright I guess, Team one has been captured by Divites and well we're all in jail. Everyone is, I'm in a lab but they haven't been able to touch me at all so far.

Rebirth: Part Of The Dead Earth SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now