initium (Micheal) #17

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So hey guys :3 sorry it's taken a while to update. but final exams are in three months and my mock exams are in one week. so aside from relentless studying and managing my social life writing time has become scarce.

Luckily, one exams are over the holidays begin. and that means so much time for writing I could actually get bored of it (I won't. I love writing)

So that basically means oh no not as many updates for a few months but yay after three months regular updates! on a weekly or more than weekly basis :)

Thanks to everyone who commented and voted. like some of your comments made me laugh so hard my mum came in worried I was on drugs.

keep them coming in they make my day. (Sorry I can't reply to everyone but I do try)

Love you,

ShineSupernova xxxx



(Mikey's POV)

So basically. today is the day where camp actually starts.

Apparently we are doing campy kind of stuff. like tramping and exercise.

Please. I swear. help me.

As of right now I am currently sitting in the dining hall.. thing where our camp leader gives us her 'usual morning speech' which is what she announced it as. and I swear if we have to get up at 8 every morning just for this I will actually kill somebody.

LIke legit.

She has been taking for 10 minuets but it feels like 13580742115790 hours. I'm cerial bro.

I looked at the three guys I was siting with. they all looked kinda tired. and Ashton's eyes looked just as screwed as mine. but worse, I think he must have stayed up longer last night.

His shirt was baggy and striped. and his hair was held back by a red headband thing. he looks especially sexy just after he's woken up. and I won't deny these thoughts, I'm gay for crying out loud!

He turned and looked at me quizzically. raising his eyebrows and grinning.

I then shot him the most sexual look I could muster, licking my lips slowly and sensually. slightly confusing myself. why am I doing this. I can't look sexy if I try.

Ash was taken back for a second, before his face suddenly changed, he looked up at me through his lashes and licked his own lips just like I did. except I doubt he got outrageously turned on by my tongue licking.

"Psst Mikey" Luke whispered. and me and ash quickly shot our heads in Luke's direction.

"What" I whispered back

"Keep it down or the whole room is going to get impregnated"

"What's so bad about that?" I quizzed him

He just raised his eyebrows. clearly stating to me that I was being stupid, so in retaliation I shot him a sexual look, just like the one I sent ash in the beginning.

He choked on his cereal, before pretending to be intensely interested in the camp leaders immensely boring speech.

I looked back at ash, who was laughing silently, so I just licked my lips and rolled my eyes sensually, then he returned the favor. And we kept giving each other these 'sexy' looks Until the leader stopped talking.

"Remember! be ready for the first activity in one hour, I've posted the timetable in all of your cabins so there is no reason for any of you to get lost"

CABIN 23 (Mashton)Where stories live. Discover now