Happy Birthday Twins!

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The boys are finally come back today, the tour is over with and they are on there way back now. We're also celebrating the twins first birthday party today, it's just family coming, nothing major. I have to go around and get everything so the twins are with Amarie at my house setting up while I'm out buying stuff.

I had to run and get the cake, some of the decorations and I had to pick up the guys from the airport so I'm on my way to pick up the guys now.

I pulled into the airport looking for the boys, I finally seen them and pulled up as they all started screaming. I parked the car as they began to load their bags, they all hopped into the car being loud. They all had to squeeze in and some people were sitting on laps. Hodgy gave me a kiss and they boys yelled some more, I rolled my eyes and began to drive to get the cake.

I pulled into the parking lot of the cake place and parked the car.

"You guys wait here and stay quiet. Don't yell or make noise, just sit here and shut up. I'm going to get the cake." I said getting out of the car.

"Jhene buy me some Cheetos." Domo yelled as Hodgy and I walked away hand in hand.

"No, you fat ass." I yelled back and the guys started yelling again then they turned on Waka Floka.

Hodgy and I walked into the store to pick up the cake, a woman came from the back with the cake and set it on the counter. She looked at Hodgy and her eyes got wide.

"Gerard Damien Long?" She covered her mouth and came to where we were a gave Hodgy a hug. "How have you been?"

"I'm good, I'm good." Hodgy hugged her back. "How are you, Karina?"

She let go of him. "I'm doing good too, I own this place." She looked at me and smiled. "Hi, I'm Karina."

"I'm Hodgy's fiancee, Jhene." I smiled back at here.

"Oh, Jhene I was in a foster home with her. We go waaaay back, she's cool."

"I don't mean to be rude but, were kinda in a rush right now. I'm sorry, can we get the cake?" I pointed at the cake and Karina went behind the counter to get it, I began to pull the monet out of my purse.

"It's on the house, tell your kids I said Happy Birthday." She handed me the cake. "I'll see you guys around the way."

"Thank you." We rushed to the car, I handed Hodgy the cake as I got in the car. We rushed back home to see Ninja Turtle decorations outside. We all ran inside to see the twins, Aaron and Amarie playing together, the house looks nice. I put the cake on the table and went into my room to change.

I changed into my dress and grabbed the boys to change them into their little birthday outfits. I walked back out and Sarah began to take some pictures. I set the boys back down and continued to fix up the house for the party.

"Can everyone get here so we can start the party?" Jhene huffed, crossing her arms.

"Who are we waiting for?" Frank and Syd said in unison.

"Courtney and my mom." I replied with a straight face.

"Courtney and mom?" Amarie said loudly, Hodgy walked over to me.

"I'm not going to get slapped again, am I?" He began to rub his face, one year ago today is when my mom came over and slapped the shit out of Hodgy. "Wait, why is Courtney coming?"

"I guess we're friends now." I said dryly and Hodgy laughed. He walked back outside, still laughing and Tyler followed him. We all sat around waiting for them, I'm nervous about waht could happen, I'm hoping for no drama. As I was thinking, the doorbell rang. I ran to the door to see Courtney and Trenton, each holding a present. They both gave me a hug and walked in, everyone just stared at Courtney.

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