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"Just as soon as I put my fucking guard down something always happens! I tell him I love him for the first time and he kisses another bitch." I yelled as I walked into Jhene's house right behind her. "I fucking hate him."

Jhene shook her head and laughed a little bit.

"What's the fucking joke Jhene I want to laugh too." I snapped at her.

"First of all you need to calm down in my house, I know you think you're all hard but you better quit that shit right now before you make me mad. And second, it's not even a big deal, you're making it way bigger than it seems." She said calmly, and she was right.

I huffed and calmed my self down. "You're right, you're right. I'm making it way bigger than it seems. But how would you feel if Hodgy kissed another girl while he was on tour?"

"I'm sure I would be mad but, they're on tour. They're going to have fun and do dumb shit but, you just have to know that he loves you. Plus that girl was drunk and she did everything, I mean Tyler can't hit girls even though they say they do." She handed me a cup of water. "You should be mad at the girl but, you already handled her." She raised her eyebrow and laughed.

"I guess." My phone began to ring. "That's him calling now."

"Answer it and talk to yo man girl." She laughed. "I'm going to get my kids." She left.

I looked at my phone for a little bit before answering.

"What T?" I answered.

"Amarie, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm soooooooooooorry. Can you ever forgive me, please?" He pleaded.

"Don't ever do some dumb shit like that again. If some bitch is all over you, hit her. Just like you say in your songs, you hear me?" He laughed. "I guess I can forgive you."

I felt like he was cheesing through the phone. "That's why I love you."


"Mmmm hmm?"

"What do you think about having kids?" I bit down on my lip.

"I mean--- Tyler we still have to finish the last song. That's Taco, I have to go I love you." He hung up the phone quickly. I sighed, I'll just watch TV until Jhene gets back.


I loaded the boys into the car and hopped in myself. I started the car and began to drive to the grocery store close to my house, I unloaded the boys and put them into the stroller and began to walk into the store. The little bell went off as I walked in.

I went into the ice cream aisle to get some ice cream for Amarie's crazy ass self.

"Trenton come back!" I could her someone yell.

Trenton ran into the aisle I was in a hugged me legs. I smiled and picked him up to give him a kiss, I kissed him and my smile quickly faded when I seen Courtney. She walked over to us and grabbed Trenton as he held onto me.

"Hey Jhene." She smiled as she kept trying to pull Trenton off. "How are you?" She finally pulled him off of me, she's being nice, it's weird.

"Um, fine... How are you?" I pulled the stroller closer to me.

"Good, good." She looked at the stroller. "Is this the boys? Can I see them?" I smile and removed the blanket over the top. "Wow, they're so cute. This one looks like Hodgy."

"Yep, that one is Corahn and this one is Damien." She played with them in the stroller. "Um, Courtney?"

"Yes?" She didn't take her eyes off of the boys.

"Why are you being so nice?"

She stood up. "Well, I was thinking. There's no reason for me to dislike you, I just want to apologize, for everything. My relationship was done with Hodgy before he broke up with me so I can't really be mad, and it was my fault the relationship ended anyways. And we should be friends, for Trent. You take care of him, I take care of him we can't hate each other if you're going to be watching my kid."

"That makes sense. Well I have to go Courney, bye." I paid for my ice cream and quickly went back home. I put the boys inside and handed Jhene the ice cream, she began to eat it quickly.

"Weirdest thing just happed at the store." I sat on the couch with the twins in my arms. "I ran into Courtney and she thinks we should be friends."

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