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The sun was shinning in California, the wind was warm and the breeze of the ocean hitting my skin, cooling me from the heat

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The sun was shinning in California, the wind was warm and the breeze of the ocean hitting my skin, cooling me from the heat. I saw you glance at me every once in a while and it just made me smile. I noticed how you scanned my body and my tan, it made me blush and you noticed I was laughing to myself so you blushed.

I stood up and walked your way, I noticed how you got nervous but you still managed to make eye contact with me, or should I say my body?
"H-hi." You stutter. I sat down next to you and you were so confused, it still makes me laugh.
"Hey, whats your name?"
"Um, yeah, my name, it's Park– I mean Pete-Peter." You let out a sigh.
"Pete-Peter, sounds nice." I giggled.
"I meant Peter." You showed me the most innocent and warm smile I'd ever seen. "Yours?"
"(Y/N), but everyone calls me (y/n) ." I stretched my hand for you to shake and you gently shook it as if I were made of glass.
"Nice to meet you (y/n)."
"Likewise, Peter." We smiled at each other and the conversation started flowing. There were no awkward silences, like we've known each other for years. I found out that you were just a kid from New York, not that popular at school and a fanatic of that superhero Spider-Man.
"You basically know everything about me, how about you tell me something about you." You said while playing with the sand on your feet.
"That's fair. I'm an eighteen year old military brat, I'm not that good at school as you apparently" I laughed. "I'm pretty sure I only have two more weeks left in California and then we are moving again, but I don't know where." I shrugged my shoulders and you showed me another one of your warmest smiles.
"Does it really suck, to move that much?" I nodded.
"I try not to get attached to people because I know I'll have to say goodbye. I just wish letting people go could be as easy as letting them in, you know what I mean?." You nodded and stared at the waves crashing in the shore. "Well enough about my sad story, how about we walk around the beach?"

You stood up first and offered me your hand, I gladly took it and began walking side by side. We laughed about the stupidest things, but you have no idea how happy I was at that time, you made me forget about my problems and all the goodbyes I had to say and for that I thank you, Peter Parker.

A/N Oh my days, I'm so excited for you to read this! Fr I'm genuinely so happy. If you do like it please don't forget to vote and comment :)


º Y/N = your name

º y/n = your nickname

º h/c = hair colour

º e/c = eye colour

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