A Startling Shout

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Sophie's ears drooped while everyone gathered around her, shocked. Usually she didn't mind so much if she was receiving attention or not, but right now it was almost suffocating.

"I used a Pokéball on you, Sophie, why didn't you at least go in and come out again?" Bonnie asked the little Eevee, confused and upset.

"Maybe the Pokéball is broken?" Clemont suggested, handing Bonnie a new one. "Yeah," Bonnie nodded, hoping that was it. She tapped the Pokéball against Sophie's cheek.

Still nothing happened.

"What's wrong with it?!" Bonnie yelled in frustration. "Why can't I catch Sophie?!"

Sophie started to back away with fear in her eyes, shakily cowering from the screaming Bonnie. Instantly the blonde girl stopped and looked guilty. "I'm sorry, Sophie. I didn't mean to scare you. I just really wanted to catch you. Then we could've performed together and you could've come with us everywhere and we'd have been great friends."

Bonnie reached out to pet Sophie, but she squeaked in fear and ran behind Poipole, trembling. Poipole tried to comfort her, hugging her and murmuring to her, but she didn't seem able to calm down right now.

"Sophie, I-" Bonnie tried to go to Sophie, but Clemont stopped her. "You need to give Sophie a minute, Bonnie," he told her calmly. "She's scared of humans as it is. She needs some time to calm down. It's not your fault and I know you didn't mean it, but you really freaked her out."

Bonnie looked sad, but nodded and walked back into her tent, her Pokémon following. Apple hopped onto her lap and hugged her. Bonnie hugged her back.

"I just wanted to catch Sophie," Bonnie sighed. "Should I not have tried at all? Would that have been better?"

Dedenne and Apple immediately shook their heads. Like everyone else, they'd both grown attached to Sophie as well and would've loved to have her around. "Squishy? What do you think?" Bonnie asked her Legendary friend.

Squishy considered it for a moment before it spoke.

There was no shame in attempting to catch Sophie. You went about that alright. But getting angry and shouting wasn't the smartest idea, though we all understand why you did it. You're young, you're allowed to make mistakes, but only on the condition that you learn from them. Have you learned from this mistake?

"Of course," Bonnie nodded instantly. "I need to be more patient. I can't get so angry just because one thing didn't work out." Good, Squishy nodded. Since you learned from your mistake, you're less likely to repeat it. Sophie still needs time to calm down, but she doesn't seem like the type to hold a grudge over something so simple. Once she's alright, go apologise again. Then you can move past this.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks, Squishy," she smiled at her helpful Pokémon. "You're really smart." My purpose is to serve, whether it be to Kalos or to my Trainer, Squishy nodded simply, though it gladly accepted a tickle under its chin.


"Don't worry, Sophie," Poipole continued to comfort its fluffy friend. "Bonnie would never hurt you, I promise. She was just frustrated that she couldn't catch you. She'd never take it out on anyone, especially you."

By now Sophie had stopped trembling, but she was still scared and hugging Poipole tightly.

"It was just so-"

"I know."

"It reminded me of-"

"I know."

"She almost seemed like-"

"I know."

Some people would've been annoyed at all the interruptions, but Sophie knew why Poipole had cut her off and hugged it tighter, grateful for it being there for her and helping her.

Everyone else was gathered around them still, looking at Sophie sadly. To see the usually playful, excitable little ball of fluff that was always smiling and laughing look so upset wasn't easy. Even Greninja, who was lying at the edge of the lake, seemed a little dejected, despite not having really spoken to Sophie aside from a few brief words.


Everyone looked over to Bonnie, who came over slowly. Sophie tried to move behind Poipole, but the little Poison type wouldn't let her, instead gently keeping her in place. It wasn't going to force her to go to Bonnie, but it wasn't going to help her hide from her fears, either.

"I'm really sorry, Sophie," Bonnie said gently, crouching down to be closer to the Eevee's height. "I should've been more patient. I shouldn't have scared you. I won't do it again, I promise. Do you forgive me?"

Sophie still seemed nervous, but didn't hesitate to nod at the question. Like Squishy has assumed, she wasn't the type to hold a grudge, especially over something so silly as her getting scared by a loud noise.

"Thanks, Sophie," Bonnie smiled. "And hey, I wanna make it up to you!" She held out her brush that she used to groom all the Pokémon when she was allowed to. "You wanna be brushed again? You seemed to really like it last night!"

Sophie cocked her head, considering. Seeing this, Poipole went over to Bonnie along with Sophie, staying by the Eevee the whole time for moral support. Sophie nervously laid down on Bonnie's lap again, Poipole patting its nub on her paw reassuringly.

As the brushing began, Sophie started to relax at last. It was true that she enjoyed to be brushed. Despite being happy to get muddy every once in a while, she always enjoyed cleaning herself off afterwards.

Poipole stayed with her for a minute or two before slowly moving away. Sophie barely seemed to notice, purring quietly in contentment. This made Bonnie giggle.

Everyone else seemed relieved that the pair had made up and were both visibly happy again. Serena took Ash's hand, making him smile a little at her. She smiled back, then the couple looked back to Sophie and Bonnie, hand in hand.

And Clemont? He was just glad his little sister still had a smile on her face after all.

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