Forget it.

Candy wasn't worth dying over. I whipped around and bolted back inside the apartment, slamming the door shut behind me when I heard Anthony bark my name. I went right past the schizophrenic, who cried out at almost being bumped into. I ducked onto the stairs and went right up to my room, almost smacking into the wife from the apartment further down. She snapped at me, but I ignored her and went right to my room, slamming the door shut and locking it.

I took a deep breath, then threw my bag off onto the small velvet blue sofa in front of the flat screen before I reached for the phone. Just as I did, someone knocked on my door. I almost thought it was Anthony, but Anthony wouldn't dare follow me right to my room with the cameras outside watching. I nibbled my lower lip and went up to the door, peeking through the peephole.

My jaw dropped when I saw Rex standing out there, looking out of place in his purple shirt and black jeans, scanning the ceiling for a while. I hesitated.

Why would I let him in? He practically molested me and kept insisting I was gay when I most certainly was not. There was also the fact that he was cocky and rude.

At the same time, he was huge. Rex was almost seven feet tall, right? Anthony wasn't that big. Anthony wouldn't even come near me if Rex was around.

So I had to choose who was worse.

Anthony or Rex.

Anthony, the alcoholic with some serious mental problems that was obviously going to hurt me sooner or later.

Or Rex, the crazy homosexual that jacked me off at my best friend's house.

I hesitated, my hand cupping the doorhandle before I squirmed for a second, then reclutantly pulled the door open just a little bit to peer out. Rex smiled when he saw me, lighting up like a Christmas tree.

"Hey, Tristian. Mind if I come in?" He asked. I nibbled my lower lip and glanced up and down the hallways just to make sure Anthony was risking everything just to bug me before I stepped aside, letting Rex in and shutting the door quickly behind him, locking both the locks.

"Have any weird visitors lately?" Rex asked, raising an eyebrow when I turned around to see him staring at me. I glared at him.

"This apartment has crazy people." I answered flatly. Rex smirked knowingly, folding his arms over his chest.

"Anthony's been bugging you." He stated. I stared at him in surprise before I realized what must have happened. Rex was Vic's friend and Vic probably told Rex all about Anthony and his issues. Part of me was glad that I wouldn't have to repeat any of it. At the same time, I was sort of annoyed with Vic for spilling my secrets. It made me wonder what else he could've said to Rex.

However, Rex didn't let on any further and just scanned my apartment now. It wasn't anything special and certainly not to a rich guy like Rex. The apartment was about medium-sized with the living room being the main area with a bar that led to the kitchen. A short hallway led to my bedroom and the bathroom, but that was about it. The living room wasn't decorated fancy either. Just a regular velvet sofa, flat screen, a bookcase, and a movie case that was overflowing with DVDs.

"Nice apartment." Rex complimented anyway as he took a seat on the sofa. I shifted uncomfortably, not quite knowing what to do now. I had just planned on letting him in for a while to scare off Anthony. I'd never actually had guests before. Even Ace didn't come over because my apartment was so boring. The only time he came over was to help me move in.

"Do you mind if I have something to drink?" Rex asked at last. I blinked.

"Oh, yea. Uh, I'll get it. What'll ya have?"

To Be or Not to Be [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now