Part three

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A few months passed again, my friends started calling me by my preferred toe number. It was going great. I was so glad with my friends reactions I decided to tell my parents.

I finally mustered up enough courage in Muppet Musical class. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted them.

In the next class, Muppet history. I got two texts back. My mother had told me she was accepting and my father told me he didn't mind. A huge smile made its way on my face.

I got home later that day. Though I decided to do something stupid. I posted my number of toes on Facebook.

My parents later saw this post and got extremely mad. They told me to delete my Facebook. I did. After that they told me I can't tell anyone because they will hate me, bully me, and beat me up. This made me lash out at them, I was just so upset that all the other muppets would be so horrible to me and since they would put me in danger I wasn't allowed to express how many toes I have. Lashing out at my mum made my dad furious. This caused him to take me into a room to talk to me privately. All he did was shout at me and swear at me. He said things like "I am never calling you a Four Toed Muppet!" "You're just a selfish bitch" "we will never tell out friends how many toes you have because we don't want to become outcast because of your stupid phase!".

I never really thought of my dad the same again. He terrified me in that room.

Four Toed Muppets and Muppet Tied Ferociously Where stories live. Discover now