Chapter 1: Finally Reuniting

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The one in front says, "Well, we're the Home Office. Welcome to Neverland." He spread his arms out in a welcoming fashion."

Greg turns around to Tamara. "The "Home Office" is a bunch of teenagers?" she asks.

"They're not teenagers. They're the Lost Boys," Henry answers for them. He looks at the one in front. The blonde one is someone Henry immediately recognizes from Raven telling him stories. "You're Felix, the hybrid."

"Hybrid, what's a hybrid?" Greg asks.

"Look at that," Felix says. "That's right Henry." Felix walks closer to Greg.

"A hybrid is half-vampire, half-werewolf," Henry tells Greg, who looks at the kid unwittingly horrified. "Why do the Lost Boys want to destroy magic?" Henry asks.

"Who said we wanna destroy magic?" Felix answers his question with a question.

"That was our mission," Greg says.

"So you were told. I lied," Felix says with a shrug, "Guess it just runs in my blood." He looks at Henry. "Now the boy, hand him over."

Tamara rebuts, "Not until you tell us the plan for magic, for getting home."

Felix smiles with his fangs, his upper canines larger and sharper than the ones on the bottom. His eyes are silver surrounded by black where the whites of his eyes should be. "You're not getting home," he answers.

Greg stands tall. "Then you're not getting the boy."

Felix laughs, "Of course we are. Lucky for me, you gave me dinner." Felix howls into the night as Peter's shadow comes down. It rips Greg's off. Henry and Tamara use this chance to run. "Get the boy," Felix instructs the Lost Boys, "I'll catch my dinner and meet up with you later."

When Tamara tries to run, Felix vamp/were-sprints up to her. He grabs her by her hair. He extends his muzzle and bites on her neck. She does not scream, just collapses to the ground.


Raven waits for Peter. "Well," he says. Raven turns around to see him in a Lost Boy's outfit. "How do I look?" he asks with a smile.

"Like you took the clothes from my meal and are wearing them," she replies with a laugh. She walks up to her husband and kisses him.

Peter wraps his arms around her. He stares into her blue eyes. "I won't be gone for long," he whispers, "Don't miss me too much."

Raven laughs, "As long as you don't scare Henry out of his pants." Peter smiles a fanged smile, his eyes turning an ocean blue. He then departs to find Henry lost in the woods.


Emma and Killian's happy moment below deck is interrupted by a fierce storm. Killian runs up to the wheel, where Snow and David are having enough time keeping it steady. "Prepare to attack!" Hook shouts.

"Be more specific," Regina yells to her son.

"If you've got a weapon," Killian says, "grab it." He quickly runs to his mother's side. He whispers, "This isn't me. I can try to stop it, but this might be beyond even my power." David and Emma ask what was attacking them. "Mermaids" is the captain's answer. "They are quite unpleasant. I'll try and outrun them." 

He turns to Regina, who takes the wheel for a moment. He kneels down to where he can't be seen. When he's out of sight, his eyes turn stormy. He tries to use his powers to go forward. Pain shoots up and down Killian's body. He winces, making his mother look at him in concern. 'You can't summon a storm of that caliber on an empty stomach, my king,' Jerrard comments. "Thanks for the advice, Jerrard," Killian replies a bit loud.

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