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Sometimes I wish I could hold you

Watch you sleep my lovely angel

Hold you whenever your wings lose control

Love you, forever and always

I've heard it's hard to see your angel fly with another bird

I wish I could hold you, love you, hoping I will be that bird

Flying along my angel without a care in the world

Sometimes I cry at night missing your lovely eyes

I see you in my dreams darling

I know you might not see me there

I want to hold you like a crystal darling

Caressing you in any cautious way

You might see me like a stranger darling

A stranger who's your friend

I know it seems like I'm a million light years away

Or that my eyes don't catch the sun die when it starts to rain

Angel I can see water fall behind your eyes

I can see the sun start to subside

I can see a smile cry behind a frown

I am here angel

Cause I see you in my dreams darling

I know you might not see me there

I want to hold you like a crystal darling

Caressing you in any cautious way

And even when you're flying with another bird

I'll be here

I will always be here Angel


This poem doesn't rhyme

Because sometimes words cannot explain how I feel

I can't just say I love you when I feel like dying

I love you Angel but I'm dying darling

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