Before School Madness

Start from the beginning

I go to the bedroom door with a giant pink 'M' on it, opening it up to see Mariah standing in her room all dressed and ready, her purple backpack even on. All she needed was her shoes and I was thrilled.

"Ready daddy." The five year old with curly brown hair smiles at me, her dimples carved on her soft cheeks.

I exhale in relief, walking over and picking her up in my right arm, kissing her cheek as she giggles.

"And that's why you're my favourite." I smile. "But don't tell the others." I whisper secretly, only making her grin again.

"Don't worry, I won't." She whispers with her finger over her lips.

I carry her out of the room, walking back by Briar's closed door. I bang on it three times with my free left hand.

"Briar you're up right?" I yell through the white door.

"Sadly." She says depressingly, making me huff in relief.

"We're leaving in five." I warn before continuing through the hallway, quickly hopping down the stairs to the living room with Mariah in my hold.

As I step to the main level, Atticus and Grey came zooming by, arguing. Grey was running with Atticus' glasses while Atticus blindly chased after him in a rut.

"Give them back Grey!" Atticus squints while Grey laughs devilishly with his brothers glasses in his hands.

"Okay babe, go get you shoes on like how daddy has been showing you." I say to Mariah, placing her down so she nods and runs off with her tiny legs and backpack almost bigger then her five year old anatomy.

Right in the nick of time Grey runs by me again. I take the opportunity and step in front of him so he slams into my stomach, my hands grabbing his upper arms.

"Grey c'mon man, stop doing this to your brother." I take the glasses from his hands just as Atticus catches up and stops in front of us.

"Here dude." I hand him his glasses as he retrieves them gratefully, placing them back on his face so he could see again. Atticus sadly was the one out of the four of them to inherits my shitty eyesight. The kid has been wearing glasses since he was three. Grey on the other hand has perfect eye sight, it's funny how twins can still come out so different. I guess it has always been a good way for people to tell them apart, even though their personalities are nothing alike.

Since a very young age Greyson and Atticus have proven to be polar opposites in every way but their physical features. Grey has always been a bit of a shit disturber and a very confident outgoing kid. Even as an eight year old he has shown to be very social, athletic, and all around very extraverted. While Atticus is more quiet, shy and reserved. He doesn't like rough housing or any type of sport. He is one of the sweetest kids you'll ever meet and has a very gentle persona. He likes to read and do things like explore nature. They were both signed up in little league games since they were six, but Amelia and I soon realized sports wasn't in Atticus' interest when he sat in the field with a caterpillar while his brother ran home runs.

They are opposites, so they tend to butt heads a lot.

"Now go get your shoes on and wait at the door where Mariah should be." I state. "And Briar you better be down her in thirty seconds!" I shout up the staircase.

I jog over into the kitchen where Amelia stands putting the odds and ends into each lunch pale. She was in one of my big shirts that she slept in, not looking like she was ready at all.

"Woah know the kids have school in like ten minutes right?" I say, looking at the stove clock.

"I know but can you take them? I have a pounding headache and the chills, I think I'm coming down with what Mariah had last week." She frowns, now thinking about it, she does look pale.

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