Chapter 3

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Hey guys. First off... wow. There's a few of you guys now. Also sorry for the long ass wait! I need to do some extreme research on this one guy in the teen titans area, trust me he's important for this chapter. A lot of chapters are coming your way and they are soon! I already have a few chapters in thier draft but they will be ready when they are ready.
So without further ado... here it is!


Chapter 3: Test of Honor

"Titans! Trouble!" Robin rushed into the living room like his cape was on fire. His teammates were scattered about, involved in various wholesome and productive activities.

"FATALITY!" the Gamestation roared.

Spider-Man groaned, "Aw, man! You just ripped out my spleen and made me eat it!"

"I told you this game rocked!" Beast Boy answered, laughing out loud.

"Guys? Trouble means time to earn our pay, not time to dissect computer game characters."

"I thought we didn't get paid," Terra mused, not looking up from her rock-climbing magazine.

Cyborg set down his own magazine, which seemed primarily concerned with fast cars and scantily clad women. "So what's the score, Rob? Kitty stuck in a tree? Asteroid about to destroy all of Hoboken? Mimes have taken over the pizza parlor?"

"It's Fang." That little tidbit of information caught everyone's attention.

Starfire's jaw dropped. " Surely you do not mean the same Fang who you fought on that large sailing vessel! With Kitten..."

Terra had never encountered the being that called himself Fang, but had been told all about him. "You mean the guy with the- gross!"

Spider-Man was the only one left clueless. "Would anyone mind telling me who this Fang guy is and why you're all so worked up about him?"

None of the others were sure how Spider-Man would react to this villain. Therefore, they made the only reasonable choice:

"Uh... you'll see."


Just like the first time the Titans faced him, Fang was in the middle of a nighttime raid on a jewelry store. He had that same bizarre energy weapon at his hip, and a large bag plainly labeled as Loot in his hand. He turned, and found himself staring into the mask of the punk that had brought him in all those months ago. Arrayed around him were the other losers, plus that new blonde girl everyone was talking about in prison. Gaia, or something like that. The heroes created a rough semicircle around the thief, leaving him with a wall to his back.

Robin kept his tone light, his words conversational. "Hey, Fang! Long time no see! What have you been up to?"

The spider-headed freak replied in the same tone, but his voice sounded like he had a throat full of gravel. Probably because of the unnatural form of his mouth. Or maybe he smoked. "I've been pretty busy, what with jail and all. I just stepped out to pick up a few things. Next stop: dry cleaning."

"Oh, really? We were hoping you'd hang around for awhile, meet our newest teammates."

Fang didn't seem to notice the plural attached to that last statement. "Sorry, but I'm busy." He began to scale the wall behind him with the massive appendages growing from his head. "I have a lot more errands to run, and the night is still young."

"And you're stttiiilll ugly!" Three guesses who that was, and the first two don't count. Fang whipped around, and found that there was someone clinging to the wall above him, cutting off what he had thought was the one escape route the Titans had overlooked. "Get it? You said the night's still young, and I said you're still ugly! It's funny because it's true!"

Spider-Man and the teen titansTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang