Chapter 1

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Okay. So before you guys get into the story, I would like to thanks to all of you guys for reading my books and making a part of something... where was I again? Oh yeah, the story. So some of you might not know but I am rewriting this story. This is the first, edited masterpiece of my creation. I hope you all enjoy. Also thank you Black_Savage31 , br0ken_1ce , MegaDerp123 ,Sebasshat and SepticeyeLadd for everything I have done to you or you have done to me. Enjoy the chapter.

Author POV

Robin sat in the main computer center of the Teen Titans tower, finishing the latest entry into the database. It had been two weeks since terra had returned and officially joined the team, and the leader of the Teen Titans had put off entering her data into the computer long enough.

Robin leaned back in his seat, gave a sigh of relief, and hit the save key.
No sooner had the "file saved" icon appeared, a communication window opened. A video transmission materialized and the header declared that it was a priority message from the watchtower, the orbital base of operations for the justice league.

An image of a man was shown on the screen, but he was cloaked in a shadow, only his eyes were visible, almost seeming to glow. Twin horns topping his head, giving this specter an almost demonic appearance.

Robin just smiled. " hey boss man! It's been awhile!"

Batman nodded in reply. " indeed it has. I see you've made a change to the team roster."

Robin gulped. " uhh... yeah, that's not a problem is it?".

" No. terra will be an excellent addition to the Teen Titans. You've made a good decision."

'How did he know about her?! I literally just filed that report... well that's the boss for you.'.  Robin thought.

" thank you sir." Robin said.

" The reason I called was for a similar matter." Batman said.

" another new member?" Robin guessed. " yes. Meet him on the roof at sunset. He will be a valuable asset."

Robin snapped of an almost mocking salute. " yes..." the transmission ended."..sir."

" so wait, tell me again, what do we know about this guy?" Beastboy asked. " okay, Beastboy. I'll tell you again. We know absolutely nothing about this guy. All we know is that he was sent by the justice league, and they're our bosses, and we do what they say." Robin said. " alright, alright. You don't have to bite my head off."

Timeskip to sunset.

The six current members of the worlds greatest pre-adult crime-fighting force were waiting on the roof, as per instructions robin had conveyed. After a few moments of silence, terra spoke up.

"Hey! There's a helicopter headed this way. I'll bet he's on it!" Cyborg shook his head. " nah, that's just a news chopper on traffic duty, it passes everyday. There's no sign of him... but then again, we don't know what powers he has.
So we don't know what signs to look for."

Beastboys eyes lit up." Hey, yeah! We don't know what he can do... holy cow! Maybe he's invisible! He's watching us right now!" Beastboys head whipped around, eyes wild, seeking some sign of his target. " I'll find him!" An instant later a green bloodhound was scampering around the roof barking and sniffing madly. The dog scrabbled back toward the other titans before coming to a halt and turning back into himself. "...okay, there's no trace. So he can turn invisible AND he leaves no scent trail.".

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