Straight Bullsh!t

Start from the beginning

"No Bruce, but you do say some slick shit-" Bruce laughed in my face and sat back on his desk while covering his mouth.

"As you do too damnit! Bella! Cut it out!" He threw his hands up and I pushed his shoulder to get him to stop laughing at me.

"Don't yell at me like a child Bruce...look at you! Still being controlling-" I pointed my finger in his face and the only thing he did was kiss it; making me draw it back and glare at him.

"This is not being controlling...because I want you to stop having a pointless attitude with me...for no fucking reason-" He started to grow angry again and I smacked my lips.

"I have my reasons-" Bruce folded his arms across his chest and raised a brow.

"Name them." I looked at him and for a second appreciated his physique. I don't know if it was because it's been awhile or if he got bigger since the last time we've been together. I felt myself bite down on my lip and went back to his face and saw him giving me that smug smile again...shit! He caught me looking.

"I don't have to name shit-" I finally said, but he cut me off.

"Because you don't have any-" He said and stood up. I watched him walk back around his desk and pick up his suit jacket from off the back of his chair.

"Are we finished here? I need to go home." I said while looking down at my watch and back at him. Bruce put his jacket on and gave me a look I knew all too well.

"Good evening Miss. Brooks" I huffed because that look meant it was over...but only for now.

I quickly walked out of his office and back down to my own. I don't think I breathed fully until I was behind my door and leaned into it while catching my breath.

After I got myself together, I pushed myself off of my door and started collecting my things. I was picking up my jacket when my watch went off. I looked down and saw it was a text from Michael asking if I could watch Mya.

I thought about it for a second...I haven't seen her in months! I sighed and replied back yes.

Things with Michael and I have...somewhat went back to normal...almost. No sex, no kisses, no flirting, no touch...just friends. I think he still has his guard up with me and I have turned on my idgaf switch and stopped caring. I have apologized for my part in the situation and that's that. I still believe it's things he could have done differently, but whatever. His life, his issues.

I left out of my office and was headed to the elevator and pushed down.I was checking my phone when the doors opened and stepped in without looking up and bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm so..sorry." I mumbled out once I saw it was Bruce. He just nodded his head and moved to the side. I saw he already hit the G button and just kept looking at my phone until we hit the garage.

"See you tomorrow and be careful Bella." Bruce said while walking over to his Porsche. Without a second look he got in, honked at the security and was gone.

I slowly made my way to to my car got in. I just sat there for a second and thought...why was I giving Bruce so much attitude? Our break up wasn't bad, I cut out on him because of his ways, but we were good friends before and during our relationship...maybe I should relax a bit around him and stop giving him the cold shoulder.

I made up my mind I was going to apologize for my actions towards him this week and try to be better...shit, he was about to be my boss anyway.


"MOMMY!" I just walked through the door and stopped in my tracks...what did she say?

"Uh...what did you say My-My?" I sat my things down while Mya did the most unstable run over to me I've ever seen and just realized...she's running!

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