not your guard dragon

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I’m so tired
so very very tired
of the shit you put me through
don’t you see that I’m suffering too?
I’m not some game you get to play
and you can’t be the victim every time
at first it was okay, it didn’t bother me
until my life became me pretending I’m fine
I don’t want this to end
but once again I’m the bad guy
and you’re threatening to let go
threatening to say goodbye
well that’s fine by me then
because I don’t want your toxic love
this messed up relationship
And it kills me internally
while I simultaneously laugh at the irony
when you tell me we are friends
because that’s not what it seems like
because to me
this is
little more
than a typical story
of a girl
in a tower
and to you I’m the tower
but honey don’t you see it
I’m actually the dragon
chained to the door
cursed to watch over the princess forever
well sweetie pie I’m sorry
I’ll no longer guard your precious hoard
because dragons can breathe fire
hotter than hells fiery core
and it turns out I’m stronger now
than I ever was before
and I’m more than ready to fight back
so darling be warned
be frightened
be scared
look over your shoulder
look under your bed
because your karma is coming
to paint your walls red
don’t try to fight it
don’t turn your back to the door
I’ll promise you princess
this dragon can roar
and this little fire-breather
won’t take your shit anymore

the echo of her thoughts (poetry collection)Where stories live. Discover now