Chapter One: The B.U.C.K.E.T

Start from the beginning

I made my way to the door and opened it, finding the back of a familiar denim jacket I had seen a million times before.
"Josh?" I question as I squinted my eyes. He turned around and gave me a smile.
"Hey" He looked happy to see me, meanwhile I looked like I was going to kill someone, "is this a bad time? I can come back tomorro-"
"No it's fine" I interrupted him as I walked out of my house and shut the door. I crossed my arms and walked over to sit down on the steps of the porch, to which he joined. It was silent for a moment, before he looked over at me.
"What's up?" I asked as I locked eyes with him.
He looked out onto the street, looking like he was contemplating what he was going to say. I rolled my eyes, a bit out of it.

"It must be bad if you don't know what to say" I uttered. Josh kind of shrugged to this. I stared at him as he looked down at the ground, "What is it? It can't be that bad..." I waited for him to do anything.

"Margo and I broke up" he bluntly said. At first I didn't even register with what he had said.
"Ha, lol" I sort of slurred as I leaned on the palm of my hands. Then my eye shot open and I looked to Josh, "wait what?..." I watched as he just nodded, not even making eye contact with me.
"I didn't mean 'lol'. I thought you said something-" he stopped me in my tracks by hugging me, I was taken back by this before wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I'm sorry" I mumble.
"It's okay" I hear him whisper, then moments later begin to cry.

Josh and I had been friends practically since forever, and this was the way we were. Honesty was our main thing, it's what kept us together; we vowed to be honest to each other when we were kids, and haven't broken it once.
That's why it was normal for this to happen, Josh was always open about his feelings and as was I. If he needed to cry, I was there and vice versa.

I moved my hand up and down his shoulder blades lightly to try and comfort him, then he pulled away.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come here and do this" he sniffed as he whipped his tear soaked cheeks with the sleeve of his jacket.
"It's okay, honestly" I paused for a moment and a thought came to my head, "want to come in and eat your feelings away?" I half laughed, he cracked a small smile as he looked up and nodded.
"Yeah, I'd love to" he sniffed once more before standing up. I grabbed his extended hand and pulled myself up, dragging him behind me into the house.
It was silent except for the sound of the television in the living room. Josh shut the door while I went into the kitchen and began grabbing stuff out of the pantry.
Josh sat down on one of the bar stools across from where I stood with my various items. He frowned slightly as he laced his fingers together, half leaning on his elbows.
"What are you doing?" He questioned, I hushed him and went to grab two large cups. One with the label 'J. Lo' and the other with 'Rrrrr you ready kids'. We came up with them last year, Josh's cup was a reference to when I dared him to dress up as Jennifer Lopez for Halloween last year, and he did; mine is a reference to SpongeBob SquarePants, this was also what I had to dress up as.
I placed the cups on the counter and then noticed my mother coming down the stairs, she frowned her brows as she approached.
"Honey, What are you..." she went silent when she saw the ingredients, "ahhhhh" She silently uttered.
"Sorry again for bothering you Mrs Macantosh" Josh utters and my mother just placed a hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay. I don't mind you coming around" she hugs him from the side and then comes and gives me a kiss on the cheek, "don't burn the house down while I am asleep, and if you must watch tv all night, make sure it isn't loud. We don't want the Matthews calling us about another noise complaint" she then left the room. I look over to Josh and then down at my ingredients.
"So" I stretched out the word as I looked up at Josh, "do you wanna talk about it?" I asked as I scooped out the ice cream and placed it into the cups, then poured chocolate milk mix into the cup, soon followed by some milk.
"No, not really" he mumbles as he scratches his neck. I nodded and focused back on my master piece, "Okay, come on. You gotta at least tell me what this extremely diabetic looking beverage is" Josh half whined. I sighed as I put in the finishing touches and placed the cups on a carry tray. I walked passed Josh and tilted my head towards the couch.
"Come on J. Lo, I'll tell you" I uttered earning a half laugh from Josh as he trailed behind me.
I sat down on the end of the couch and placed the tray on the table in front of the couch. Josh made his way over and sat down next to me.
"This is my bucket" I utter, Josh shot me a confused look as he looked from the cup to me.
"Did you just say 'bucket'?" He looked half amused, I smacked his arm lightly.
"Its an acronym" I stated as I held my chin up and held my left index finder up, "It stands for Break Up Cup of Kindness: Extra Therapy...B, U, C, K, E, T" I smile proudly.
"So its a diabetes inducing break up beverage...good to know" I half laughs.
"I made it when I was fifteen. You remember Ashley, my sister?" He gave me a nod, "well when she broke up with her boyfriend, I was at home after school. Came home and found I had been making a monster drink from all the sweets in the house, then had a taste of it. I guess she liked it because she kept asking me to make them for her for the rest of the night...I guess in that moment i made the name up, cause of the situation" I felt a little bad. Josh them laughed again, this putting me at ease.
"Put it to you to make a beverage for break ups" he utters as he picks up his cup, "let's see what's so good about this" he say before taking a sip. He hummed to himself before moving the cup away from his mouth.

" " He said through mouth fulls of chocolate milk and ice cream. I sat back, half chuckling at his face. We watch the tv for the rest of the night.  I knew he was going to be upset for a while, but at least I could cheer him up a little, even if it was just for a few moments.

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