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Dear Diary,

Today he looked at me. I know it's a weird entry but it's progress right? Two minutes and five seconds. That's how long he looked at me. Well he glared at me because I corrected him in class but let's be optimistic here.

He also called me 'dumbass' and not 'fuckhead' which must also mean something. Maybe he's beginning to tolerate me. Totally progress.

It won't be long now. Maybe I should just confess. Should I?

(Y/n) gasped inaudibly and looked up from her diary, her unmoving pen hovering over the page.

She had never considered telling Katsuki about her feelings for him but now that the question had risen, it scared her.

What would he think? And most importantly, how would he react? What if he avoids her? Or worse, laughs at her?

The female was well aware that Katsuki wasn't one to be associated with matters relating relationships. Heck, he didn't even care about the other girls in his class and he rarely even conversed with them.

Most girls would be put off by his hostile character and steer as far away from him but not (Y/n). A while back yes but not now.

Her friends couldn't understand what she saw in him and were even tempted to take her to a psychologist but (Y/n) only laughed it off and said that she was fine before proceeding to point out his "desirable" characteristics. To say her friends still didn't get it would be the understatement of the century.

But that didn't deter the girl from liking him. It had been nine months ever since her crush on him manifested and she was sure it had turned into something else other than a mere crush.

Love? Do I love him?...or is it just an unhealthy obsession?...

The girl squeaked and dropped the diary from her hands to cover her beet root red face. She fell back on her bed and uncovered her face, her eyes trailing up to her ceiling.

Her thoughts revolved around the ash-blond. The unfulfilled fantasies, the cute scenarios that she knew would never happen, her imaginations that would still make her blush in embarrassment, all things she had been used to by now. It was clear that her feelings were eating her out from the inside and the longer that she kept them hidden, the longer she'd go crazy.

She had even gone as far as keeping a secret diary called 'Mr and Mrs Bakugou's adventures'. If that wasn't the first step to total madness, she didn't know what was.

(Y/n) then suddenly sat up, her eyes flashing with determination.

Maybe I should tell him. I must tell him...I can't go on like this. He's driving me insane!...

The girl ran her hands through her hair and tugged at the roots. Her mind tried to convince her to delay for a little while longer but her heart yearned to spill the beans. She had kept silent for nine months. What was she waiting for? A miracle? The day Katsuki would grab an electrical guitar and serenade her in the most Katsuki way possible?

That was impossible. It was up to her to take the first step. Maybe if he knew of her feelings, he might consider. Right?

(Y/n) giggled and grabbed her diary and pen. Her stomach felt all jittery as she imagined her long time crush actually taking a chance on her. It was too good to be true.

The female smiled as she wrote another entry under her latest one.

Dear Diary,

I'm going to confess to him tomorrow. I hope it goes well and that he'll finally look my way.

Dear Diary (Powerpuff Trio x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now