1) The Letter

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Silencer's P.O.V.

There they were, fighting yet again for the fifth time this week. But think about it; a werecat/witch and a werewolf trying to be 'friends' for a class project from this human school they go to. Its just crazy how people think that they'll be able to work together for a week. This is day 4 now and all they've done is fight, not even gotten the stuff out for their project yet.

"You smell like a wet dog all of the time!" Grace, the dog hating werecat/witch, yelled at Tanzine, the alpha werewolf. Tanzine growled at her as it looked like they were about to have yet another hands in fight before she ran her hand through her hair.

"Says the one that smells like dust and cat litter all of the time." Tanzine wasn't yelling, but she had anger behind her words as she looked down at the 5'3 werecat/witch. Tanzine's werewolf genes did wonders for her body and beauty. She was 6'1, only three inches shorter than me, her tang top high-lighted her mussels, her chocolate brown short hair was always curly, no matter what was going. Everyone can see the packages she holds, her breasts were at least double ds, maybe even es.

"The dust is magic you mutt. And the litter is from my actual cat." She crossed her arms and had a light blush on her face. Oh yea, I'm watching them through their 'security cameras'. At this point Ivy, a dark elf healer of Tanzine's pack, walked into the room with snacks with Nyx, Grace's vampire protector, walked in after Ivy.

"We get it that you two don't like each other but just work on this okay? Your grade depends on this project because this project is 70% of your grade." Ivy lectured to them, putting the snacks on the table.

"Nyx you know how I feel about mutts!" Grace whined to Nyx, her protector knowing too well that Grace hated werewolves because they killed her mother and father. Nyx put a hand on Grace's shoulder. 'I have to get rid of Nyx and Ivy before I can get to the two that I really want to play with.' I was thinking of how to get those two away from the others.

"Zine you need to calm down before your sister finds out about this and comes and beats your ass in front of the whole pack." Ivy lectured Tanzine, again. Tanzine's sister is the Luna of the first strongest pack in the Midwest, Tanzine's being the second. Ivy has been best friends with Tanzine since they were born, the two always bickering like an old married couple.

"Says the one who-" Ivy snapped her fingers and Tanzine was now tied to the chair with dark magic ropes. "Let me go Ivy! I'll tell her!" Ivy snapped her fingers again and Tanzine had a gag over her mouth. 'So I'll just have to make her distracted or even kill her maybe to get to Tanzine...'

I focused the camera on Grace for a while. Loving her body. Her body wasn't sun kissed at all, but her freckles showed well on her pale body. Her choker and ear rings show that she is independent but without them she looks so innocent. 'Those will be so fun to rip out of her ears...' Her tail was always swaying slightly, or her tail is curled around her leg when she's scared or sleeping. 

Ivy threw a notebook at Tanzine's chest. Tanzine caught it easily and opened it, finding the project requirements. Grace watched this before sighing softly and pulled out her laptop and started to look up basic information about doves for the school project in science.

"Come on you two, just work for an hour or two then y'all can be out of the others hair." Nyx said, her sketch book out as she was sketching the big picture for their poster. Ivy had pulled out her laptop that dinged for the new e-mail that I sent her.

'You have been chosen to go to the England's Magic School for Healers. Your classes start in three weeks and you leave for the school year while your apartment is paid for as well as your classes for four years. You will be flying with the Eagle Wings company in three days.

-Mrs. Aegle Spear

Principal of England's Magic school for healers'

Ivy squealed loudly, forgetting everyone in the room but her had very sensitive hearing. They all covered their ears.

"IVY WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Tanzine yelled at Ivy. "NO SQUEALING REMEMBER!?" Tanzine was glaring at Ivy but then sighed.

"I got into the England healer school!!" Ivy smiled widely at Tanzine as her eyes were filled with surprise. 'Oh, this is perfect, now I don't have to deal with her...or I follow after I kill the others...' I put my focus on the others again.

"When do you leave? We'll need a new healer while you're gone..." Tanzine sounded truly sad about this but she was really happy for Ivy. England's Magic School for Healers is the top magic healing school in the world. Nyx looked up at Tanzine and was feeling slightly bad for her. Grace was off in her own world while working on looking up the mating process for doves. 

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