My girlfrend

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Khloe's POV

My family has not met my girlfriend Y/n. Right now she is waching True as I go out and get some things for her. I got some flowers for Y/n and new cloths for True. Soon I got home and when to True's room to see that her and Y/n is asleep.

I smiled and kissed the top of Y/n's head. She opened her eyes. "Hi Babe." She said. "Hello my beutiful." I said. She smiled at me. "Your sweet." She said. "True is taking her nap." I said. "And she wakes up easy."

"Your right." I said. She got up and we hugged. We when down stairs and Y/n sat on my lap. "Your cute." I said. "And your adorable." She said. I blushed a bit. I put my arms around her. "I love you." I said. "I love you too."

"I want you to meet my mom and other family members." I said. "Well I have met True, She likes me. So why not." Y/n said. I smiled at her. "You really want to meet my family?" I asked her. "I would love to meet them Khloe." She said.

I kissed her. "I can't wait. We can meet them at lunch today at Apple bees." I said. She nodded. "I love that but who is going to watch baby True?" Y/n asked. "I have a nanny that can watch her." I said. Y/n nodded. "Ok babe girl." Y/n said.

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