We need to stike together

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Your POV

Lately me and my sisters have been fighting a lot. I just 18 years old. I am looking for my own place and I still live with my mom till I find it. Right now my sisters are fighting and I am sick of all the fighting.

"THAT'S IT!" I yelled. Everyone was quiet. "I am sick of all the fucking fighting! We are family and we need to stike together. I already lose the one I care about that I thought was my family I am not afraid to lose you too." I said very pissed off.

I grabbed my things and when to my friends house. She let me stay with her. I am just really tied of all the screaming and the fighting. I am adopted. I was when I was 10 years old. 10 years of people yelling, fighting, and the throwing for 10 years.

Kim's POV

Y/n stormed out of the house. "What was that about?" I asked. "Remember we adopted her 8 years ago when she was 10." Mom said. "I remember." Khloe said. "She came from a really bad home with yelling fighting, and things breaking." Mom said.

Now I am starting to feel bad about what happened. I rubbed the back of my head. "What do we do?" Kourt asked. "We need to start to talk about what is making us fight." I said. They nodded. "I feel really bad about what happened tho." Khloe said. "Me too." I said.

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