"Wait." Esme spoke up as she stopped beating the carpet. "You want to use her to unlink Hayley from Sophie?" She asked.

Elijah nodded. "Sophie brought us to this town under false pretences. She doesn't just want us to take down Marcel and his minions. She wants to take Davina back. So she yoked her own cause to ours, with magic, threats, and half-truths. Well, no more. As of now, our deal with Sophie Deveraux is null and void. Niklaus, Esme, I need you both to come with me. I need 5 minutes alone with Davina. You need to make certain that I am not interrupted." He ordered before turning to his sister with an order as Esme had rose to her feet to stop her clean. "You stay here and watch Hayley."

Rebekah's brows arched. "How did I get elected supernanny?" She questioned.

Esme begun her way to follow after Elijah as Klaus had begun to do the same with questions of his own. "More importantly, who put him in charge?"

The Browne couldn't help but chuckle before handing over the gloves to Rebekah. "Have fun babysitting, Beks." She quipped.

"What happened?" Esme studied Sabine laying on the floor after she had been attacked by those hidden faces that ambushed not only her but Sophie Deveraux in the middle of the kitchen of Rousseau's. Elijah held out his hand for the witch to take in order to help her to her feet as a groan erupted from her lips, it wasn't how she was wanting her day to go as she had hoped to spend some quality time with the Deveraux nowhere to be seen.

Esme begun her wander through the kitchen, noticing the spilled food on the floor and which she had made sure she didn't step in as she took a step over the mess cluttered onto the floor. The Browne looked over her shoulder awaiting for Sabine's answer as her arms crossed over her chest in intrigue of what they had missed. "It was Agnes." Sabine informed whilst rubbing the side of her head to ease her pain. "Her men took Sophie."

"Day one with you in charger, brother, and already the witch link to Hayley has been abducted by zealots." Elijah being in charge was something that Klaus was entirely used to as he voiced and which had caused the Browne's eyes to roll in reply.

Esme sighed. "Where is she?"

Sabine's eyes flickered to Esme who was awaiting for a reply. But the witch had figured with the group of vampires would do to Agnes if they had found her. "If I tell you where Agnes is, you'll just kill her."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Look. I know she's a little cuckoo, but she's our last living elder." Sabine explained hoping there'd be an understand between her and the vampires who would be happy enough to kill Agnes. Esme couldn't help but allow a chuckle to escape her lips as found the excuse humorous in which Sabine had come up with. "That might not mean a lot to you, but it means plenty to us. The elders are the only ones who can do important spells."

Elijah's brows arched. "Like completing the Harvest ritual." He guessed.

"You know about that?" Sabine questioned as her brows furrowed with intrigue. She believed that no one outside the French Quarter and who wasn't a witch would have an idea of the ritual.

"Oh, you'd be astounded by the things I know." Elijah replied.

"Allow me to entertain you with today's list of priorities." Klaus spoke up and as Esme pulled her eyes away from the wasted food that surrounded her. "One, unlink your friend Sophie so she no longer controls the fate of the woman carrying my child. Two, convince my brother to accept my heartfelt apologies for some recently dodgy behaviour. Three, there is no three."

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