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The next morning I woke up with my head buried in Draco's neck with his arms around my waist and our legs tangled together

Trying my best not to wake him I attempted to remove his arms however it seemed as if they were made of steel, I think draco must of felt my wriggling because a moment later he woke up and held me tighter against him

"Draco let me go I need to go to the toilet" I whispered in his ear whilst pushing away from him

After a minute he let me go with a ground and I ran to the loo
Once I did my business I walked over to the full length mirror in the corner and did my daily inspection

I put my hands on my stomach and started to feel before moving on to my arms, trying to fit my fingers around it

"Rachel what are you doing?"

I turned at the sound of Draco's voice behind me

"Nothing, let's go down to the great hall I want to compare my schedule to  yours, i won't be able to handle it if we have non of our classes together, and what if i have all my classes with ron"

" you dont have to worry about any of that, the headmaster made it so we have all our classes together and weasel will keep away from you if he knows whats good for him" Draco said whilst grabbing my waist and bringing me close to him

After standing there for a while, just enjoying being in his arms, i made draco release me so i could get my bag and start making my way down to the hall.

Poor draco he probably struggled to get his arms around you

I dont understand how draco could love someone like me, stuck in my thoughts i didn'tnotice that we were outside the hall until draco grabbed my hand and said to me " I hate not being able to sit with you, but since you didn't eat last night, i want you to eat a bigger breakfast this morning"

"What. No draco, im fine, really" I exclaimed, trying to get him to drop the subject

" i dont really care, its my job to look after you, so i suggest you eat a good breakfast, and if you dont, there will be consequences" he whispered in my ear

And with that he pushed me in the direction of the Gryffindor table whilst he walked away smirking at the flustered look on my face.
I sat with hayley and decided that i would eat some toast, to get draco off my back and to help a bit with the dizzyness

" so whats going on between you and draco" hayley whispered and suggestivly wiggled her eyebrows

"Nothing, we're just getting close, thats all" i exclaimed, shocked that she picked up on our relationship already

She gave me a look, as if to say she doesnt believe me

" okay, but if i tell u, it stays between us"
I said in a hushed voice

"Spill, i want to know everything"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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