Chapter 10

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Kagomes' POV:

The celebrations were in full power when the sun began setting. The ball hall was full of people chatting and dancing on the wide dance floor accompanied by live music, the tables full of any food or drink one could imagine as the sun slowly hid behind the mountain giving the first stars their shine. I stood by the side of the spacious room, alone, with a glass of champagne in my hand watching the sunset with a longing expression. I was very happy that my brother found his happiness. But thoughts of a certain demon kept my mind wandering. A heavy sigh left my lips. What was I thinking asking for the Moon? My eyes wandered to the two shining stars at the blackening sky and a small smile crept on my face. I rested my head against the window inviting the cold feeling on my skin. There was no doubt about it. I missed him.

The door suddenly fell open and all the gazes fell to the wolf pack that stood there. They were all dressed in celebratory kimonos with wolves on the sides, a few wolf demons in the inner circle and Koga and what I assumed to be his father stood in the middle of the formation. The moment Kogas' eyes found me his eyes sparkled and a smile crossed his face showing off one of his white fangs. He leaned over to his father whispering something to him and after a nod from him he broke the formation and walked towards me. I gulped softly feeling the gazes of the entire wolf pack burning into me and I grew more and more nervous as the attention that was on the entering wolf pack slowly shifted towards me and Koga.

When he reached his goal he took my hand into his kissing the top of it while bowing softly.

"My Lady."

I offered a bow myself blushing softly from the sudden attention, seeing as even my newly wedded brother and his panther wife watched the procession with amusement.

"Prince Koga," I greeted him in return. "What brings you here?"

Koga straightened his back but never let go of my hand as he bore his eyes into mine, determination evident in his eyes.

"You bring me here. You and your wish, my Lady."

I blinked in confusion, while a few whispers were heard amongst the crowd. Koga grinned, evidently very proud of himself.

"You wished for the Moon, my Lady so it was my duty to give you what you desired."

People in the crowd were as shocked as my face seems to be at his words while the leader of the wolf pack just nodded his head in the back. I just gawked at Koga, not really sure what to say.

" brought me the Moon, my prince?" my voice sounded a bit high pitched even for me. I never thought someone would actually do such a thing, not that it's possible, but when I saw Koga nod his head a million thoughts ran through my head. Did I underestimate demons? Do wolf demons actually possess the moon? I know they howl at it, at least I think so, but could they actually give it to someone? I was confused, my heart beat fast in panic and my breathing picked up, I felt lightheaded. I made that demand to not get married. What would I do with a Moon anyway? What does one do in a situation like this?

Koga looked back at his pack and nodded his head to them as they made way for a single wolf with a light gray fur that made his way through the barely breathing crowd of people and I blinked in confusion, my brain still refusing to work. Koga leaned down and outstretched his hand as the wolf leaned his head down to his hand letting out some kind of an object from its mouth right into his hand letting Koga straighten up again and smile at me with gentle eyes. He took the hand he was still holding in his and turned it so he could place something into my palm and then he let go of me and took a step back while I watched a piece of rock sit on my palm.

"This is a Moon stone, passed down through our generations my Lady. It's a piece of the Moon our ancestors found during the great war of demons. This single stone gave the wolf demons the strength to come out of the war victorious and continues to give us strength to this day. And here I am, giving you the Moon you asked for as well as the lives of the wolf tribe, just sitting at the palm of your hand, just like my heart my Lady." Koga kept his eyes on me, his words serious and I was at a loss of words. I looked over the stone in my hand while I felt the wolves in the background twitch uncomfortably. Shippo came over to my side putting his hand on my shoulder and snapping me out of my daydream.

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