James McAvoy x reader {Football/Soccer}

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A/N:- for this part please imagine that you are in James's position and he's catching you

A/N:- for this part please imagine that you are in James's position and he's catching you

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I was watching him playing a small match as preparation for the big one in a few days. He saw me following the ball longingly with my eyes and beckoned me forward. I looked at his coach who saw him ask me up. Both of us looked pleadingly at him and he nodded. I shot up from my seat and sprinted past the other famous men that take place in James's team in the Soccer Aid 2014 match.

Turning many heads, including Jeremy Renner's, I ran until I came close to him. He had kicked the ball to me but I didn't expect it yet. My initial reaction was to duck but then I didn't want to embarrass either one of us so jogged backwards until it was within reach and caught it on my ankle (for the sake of this imagine you r amazing at football/soccer). I kept it balanced until another ball hit it from my ankle. 

I looked up and saw James turn his face away abruptly. I grinned and saw him try to hide a smirk. "McAvoy! You little bastard!" I ran at him like a bull but he turned to me and caught me around my waist as I ran into him. I screamed/laughed as he lifted me until I was nearly upside down. I lowered my legs and he was forced to put me down. In that short amount of time' my blood managed to make my cheeks pink and disguise my blush as he pulled my waist to his before backing off with a sexy smirk on his face.

I rubbed my cheeks as I dribbled the ball that was rolled to me by Michael Sheen. He came closer and we started passing to each other. "The two of you look adorable together,  you know." He stated with a pass. I didn't have the blood in my cheeks to disguise this blush so  both he and James noticed. "You got something on your cheek, babe."James jogged past, poking my cheek as he did so.

The next time he passed, I kicked his arse. He skidded to a stop but I was already running. He gave chase any way. I glanced back and squealed. Zigzagging between his teammates, I tried to lose him but he was very agile for a guy. his arms caught me around my waist and lifted me of the floor, spinning us around as he slowed down. I clung onto his shirt and closed my eyes, not wanting to puke in front of everyone.

"You okay?"He whispered as I leaned into him. I didn't dare speak so i just nodded. A shiver ran through me as I swallowed. James turned me around and hooked his hands under my knees, pulling me up onto his waist. I hid my face in the crook of his neck,hissing "I will kill you" at him. "I'm fully aware of that but you're just irresistible," He said rubbing his bearded cheek on my head.

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