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It's been a few hours since Margot left. I had invited Dylan and some of his friends over so I wouldn't have lied to Margot again. I sit with my knees to my chest on the leather chair Dylan is sitting on the matching leather couch across from me, next to his friend Lance. They speak to each other, and I typically nod in agreement or softly answer in short sentances.

There is soon a knock on the door. I don't hesitate to leave the living room to go answer it. Once I unlock and open the front door, I see two guys, near my age, standing in front of me. The slightly taller boy with the dark brown hair gives me a big smile and offers me his hand to shake. I cautiously shake his hand.

"May I ask who you are?" I pull my hand back after a few seconds, wrapping my arms back around myself.

"Right, he must not have told you. I'm Jack and this is my brother Dallas. We're friends of Dylan." I nod quietly and Dallas gives me a soft smile. I can't help but return it. I let them both in and return to my seat in my chair.

Jack joined Dylan and Lance on the couch and Dallas sat in the chair next to me. I cross my legs, looking over at Dallas. "How are you?" I ask him.

He looked back to me and replies politely. "I'm good. Thank you for having me." He says shyly.

Jack laughs softly from the couch. "Dallas is a shy one, always had trouble with new people." Dallas sighs softly and turns away.

I lean over the arm of my chair closer to Dallas and I speak quietly. "Me too, don't worry." I give him a reassuring smile.

Half an hour passes by before Lance speaks up, looking over to Dallas. "I thought you we're going to your girlfriends house tonight, man?"

Dallas shakes his head and sighs. "She broke up with me." I hugged my knees tighter, looking at him. I glanced over at Dylan who had his eyes on Lance, knowing he told Lance about that before they showed up.

"I'm sorry, Dallas." I speak up slightly, though only loud enough that I don't talk over anyone.

We were silent for a minute before Jack spoke up. "just don't start cutting, man." He chuckles softly, looking to his brother.

A sudden rush of memories flood my mind of earlier that day and I stand up. They all look to me. I start making my way for the front door, needing to just get away. Dylan stands, watching me in my almost zombie like trance.

"Gwen, you okay?" He speaks loudly to get my attention, making me stop in my tracks as I'm about to walk out the door.

"I.. Just need some air." I say as I walk out, closing the door behind me. I hug myself, gripping onto my oversized hoodie, suddenly finding it harder to breathe. I sit on the steps, my knees up to my chest again as I try and calm my breathing.

How could someone joke about that so easily? How could someone be so oblivious and so cruel that they would laugh while saying that? I think.

I get lost in thoughts for what feels like over an hour though it has only been 15 minutes. The front door quietly creaks open and Dallas comes out. He closes the door and sits next to me on the steps. I stay tucked into myself, tears stinging my eyes, a few stray tears dripped down my cheeks.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks softly. I stay silent, staring out at the pitch black street. He asks another. "What's wrong?"

I turn my head to face him, my eyes red and puffy. "And why do you care? We met less than an hour ago." I snap at him. He still doesn't back off, his eyes now meeting mine. That only made me more irritated and upset. "I don't need your help. I can solve my own problems, because they're none of your business." I huff and face the street again.

"Was it because of what Jack said?" His eyes focus on me still.

My heart started racing and a few tears fell down my cheeks. I felt a lump in my throat. I couldn't speak even if I wanted to. I nod, still keeping my gaze away from him.

Was I about to tell my biggest secret to a stranger? I think.

"You wear big sweaters in June, always baggy pants. Does anyone know?" He gently grabs my wrist and slowly pulls up my sleeve. I tightly close my eyes, feeling the warm breeze brush against my new and old cuts and scars.

I whimper softly, pulling my arm back from him, I pull my sleeve down and tightly grip at my hoodie again, hugging myself.

"If you ever need someone to talk to, you can come to me." He smiles at me gently.

I nod and sniffle quietly, looking over at him. I speak shakily. "Th-Thank you.. Y-You too.."

Broken Dreams - EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now