The Deafest Syllables

Start from the beginning

For the last several days, Haley hadn't uttered her name. She had only addressed the older teen with some insult or nickname. (F/n) stood to her feet and did her best to ignore Haley. There was no point in informing Haley that she wasn't the creature's lover. The older teen moved over to the door, wishing that her legs would carry her faster.

"H-have you th-thought abo-about it?" Haley coughed and spat again onto the ground. Pausing and sighing, (f/n) debated on saying something. Her hands lifted to her chest, painfully, and she took the jacket off of the jutting out piece of wood. She slipped it over her arms gradually and winced along the way before she zipped it up. "W-well?"

Yesterday, Haley had proposed an idea to her while the creature had been sleeping. It had been simple. She had requested the older teen to strangle her to death. (F/n) hadn't understood why Haley would suggest such a thing when she had constantly stated that she would escape and find some way to achieve her goals to get back at the creature and her. Maybe, she had really lost all of her fire and had been managing to hide that fact well from the creature somewhat.

"It wou-would be be-better for y-you." She coughed again, and it continued for awhile. (F/n) suspected that the creature might be awoken soon if he hadn't been already. Still, she couldn't argue against Haley's claim. It would be better if Haley died. The creature wouldn't be able to question the younger teen anymore, and she would no longer have to listen to all of the dreadful sounds from Haley, but how would the creature react?

He would probably be enraged, and he would return to his nightly dessert plan. Was that better than the creature possibly retrieving sedatives from the hospital? It most likely wasn't since he would start up in the future regardless. There was also the chance that they would be able to return to town sooner, but she didn't even know if that was a good thing.

There were no electronics in the cabin. They were completely isolated from the rest of the world, so she had no idea what reaction had sprouted in the town. (F/n) sighed again and zipped open a pocket. Inside, there were a few sheets of clean toilet paper sheets. She zipped it back up and reluctantly looked at Haley.

The younger teen wasn't staring at her, though. Haley gazed forward and leaned her head back against the chair some. "Haley, why aren't you telling him? If you want death, that'll bring you closer to it. Plus, you'll harm me in the process. You're not making any sense. You're administering yourself more pain than you have to endure."

"Am I?" She chuckled and faced the older teen. (F/n) took a step back. The creature had clearly committed more damage from the last time that she had seen Haley's face. Noting her elder's reaction, she only laughed more. "You-you're scared of th-this?" Several coughs left her. When that didn't help, she coughed more before she released a sigh of relief. "That's better."

Haley's right eye was closed and swollen shut. Three slash marks traveled across her lips and looked like they had only healed a few moments ago. A long line traversed her cheeks and over her nose. The creature must've removed a strip of flesh from her, and droplets of blood still trickled down her face. "Or, maybe, you're simply in shock." Some crimson entered her mouth. That time, she swallowed it.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter, but I'm administering myself nothing. No, my pain comes completely from that monster and you. And, I'm not going to tell it. You already know my reason. You won't die if I tell it, and it'll only be happier. I can't have that, but if you kill me, that changes things a bit." A maddening smile spread across her lips, and one of the cuts reopened. She winced, but she didn't drop her smile.

"If it wants the information, it'll have to go to you directly, and it'll be pissed off for you killing me. I might get lucky, and you might die in its fit of anger." She laughed more. "Then, it'll suffer for what it had committed, and I'll be watching with a wide grin from the grave. I bet that Dean will even want to observe with me." Sadness entered her gaze. "My lovely, lovely Dean ..."

Mumbling left her again, and (f/n) couldn't make sense of any of it. The older teen hadn't even been expecting Haley to admit to such a thing. "And, why would I kill you after you told me all of that? Besides, the ..."

"Don't give me that b*llsh*t." Haley's eyes darkened into a maddening amusement. "You and I both know that it's still very capable of killing you. Oh, it loves you. It loves you so much that it makes me want to vomit even more, but it's a monster. You're the fool for getting close to that thing." She started to laugh before she spat up more blood.

"Anyway, it's your choice, but killing me will make you a better person. You'll end my suffering, and I'll get to return to Dean. I'll be out of your hair, and you no longer have to worry about me giving the creature your plan. I won't, but I bet that you don't trust me. Smart move after everything I've said." She grinned.

"Besides, the creature might not even do any of those things that I hope it would. I'm basing my future satisfaction purely from assumptions. If you do kill me, I won't forgive you, but you'll be less of a cankerous b*tch in my eyes."

"You're right. I don't trust you. I doubt that you'll ever change your opinion of me. I'll always be a b*tch to you; I'll always be the one who destroyed your life because you're too blind to acknowledge the consequences of your actions." (F/n) took a step back and shook her head in disappointment. "I really did enjoy our times at the coffee shop; I really felt like I owed that you, and I was grateful to be given the opportunity. It's a shame that it was all a waste of time and that it only led us to this."

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