Chapter 23: what comes after..

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5 Years Later...

"Dylan! Don't touch the vase it could break."

"Ok mommy."

I carried him off the the sofa and down in the floor to play with his toys. Avery had just woken up and started making breakfast before I headed off to work.
Avery makes me so happy and I can't believe I got lucky enough to end up with one of the most amazing and most caring man on earth. It doesn't seem like it's been four years since our wedding.. I couldn't be happier with the life I'm living now.. especially with Dylan now apart of our lives, our four year old son. He's been the light of my life ever since I've had him. Avery changed his life around once we had Dylan and promised not to be involved in anymore gang stuff since Dylan is now priority. Dylan Chase Henderson..His big grey eyes and hazelnut hair  

"Breakfast is ready!"

I smiled at Avery as he smirked while flipping a pancake onto a plate. He went over and ruffled Dylan's hair as Dylan giggled. Avery kissed my forehead and sat next to Dylan to cut up the pancake into little pieces.

"Well I have to go to work guys. Behave and Avery don't let Dylan touch the vase."

Avery chuckled.

"The boy can't help it. But don't worry Dylan will behave-won't you, Dylan?"

Dylan gave Avery the cutest thumbs up ever and I went over and have him bunches of kisses.

"I love you so so much!"

"Love you mommy! Have a good day at work!"

I gave him another kiss and went over to Avery.

"I love you."

"and I love you more."

His kiss still gives me butterflies. I could never get tired of it. I never will..

"Oh shoot! I'm gonna be late."

I gave Avery one last peck and grabbed my keys from the kitchen counter. I walked out and got into my car and reversed to get out of the drive way. I put on Vance Joy "take your time" on the radio and smiled thinking of how blessed I am to have such a great family. I know God is protecting my family and he's really blessed me with Avery and Dylan. "I love them so-

A car hit the side of my door crossing the intersection and my car flipped over. It kept flipping again and again..I couldn't feel my body and I saw blood run down the bridge of my nose as I hung there with only the seatbelt as support from falling.. The only think I could think about was Avery and Dylan.. "I can't leave Dylan and Avery like this.. I just can't!" A teardrop falls down my cheek and mixes in with the blood on my face as I see a man try to get me out while I doze off into nothingness...


I've decided to make a second book that's a continuation of this but it's from Dylan's perspective once he's a grown young adult. But I promise you it's gonna be worth it.. so if you wanna know what happens to Isabel and everyone else, the second book will explain more on that topic :))))

I hope you guys aren't mad and i know it was a pretty short chapter so again sorryyyy ://

But I'll make it up to you guys!!

Please comment and vote for this chapter! Let me know what you think about this chapter pls! Ily guys <3

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