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The following story was edited and published in August of 2018, though for a period of time this and several other books were privated I thought that some of you if you happen to remember them might've enjoyed their return. This was a very formative period for my writing abilities and such an enjoyable one thanks to all the support you guys gave me. Thank you x

"Oh this is just adorable." Jaiden swooned, "You're not helping." Adam grumbled, staring at his screen. His thumbs hovered above the keyboard as he desperately tried to find out how to say this correctly. "It has to be perfect, I have to be smooth as butter, why is this so hard?" Adam groaned, dropping his phone onto the countertop to place his head on his hands. "You obviously can't do this through a text, do you wanna try something else? Like maybe giving him a call?" Jaiden suggested beside him, "How am I supposed to tell him with actual words if I can't even type it?" Adam retorted, taking a few steps back to pace around the kitchen. His head was spinning, this had never happened before. He was always able to ask his crushes out without a problem, he even took rejections well, so why is it impossible now? Jaiden rubbed her chin, furrowed brows facing an open window. Her focused cinnamon stare suddenly lit up after a good few moments of presumed thinking, "What if you wrote a letter!" Adam stopped circling her kitchen, "A letter?" he echoed. "Yeah! Maybe a text isn't working because it won't mean much. If you write a letter, then there's something truly special about it. It's like a connection as you took the time to actually write something for him, especially of this degree. The exchange of the exact same paper just feels so unique, it'll make just about whatever you say mean way more to him. It might convince him a little more to go out with you." Jaiden gently nudged Adam's arm as she finished, "A letter..." Adam repeated himself, "Yes, yes! That's a great idea! I need a paper and pen! Stat!"

It was a rough start, an empty piece of loose leaf paper taunted him for what felt like ages. Adam's mind was blank, just as it was when he was trying to text him. He toyed with the black pen that rested between his fingers, slowly, it thoughtlessly made its way to the paper. 

With the final move of carefully writing James's name on the front, the letter had been finished. It felt wonderful to see its completion, snugly tucked away in a white envelope closed with a red sticker. Now, all he had to worry about was actually getting this to James, and assuring he didn't see him with it. He could see it now, a day after he'd approach him, letter in hand, rosy cheeks, shyly asking if he meant what he wrote. That is, if he did feel the same. What if he didn't? What if he'd hate him for this? Adam glanced at the small trash can in the corner of Jaiden's living room, he still had a chance to forget the whole thing. There was still a chance to act like nothing had happened, still remaining James's best friend. But the longer he stared at the small bin, the tighter he gripped the letter. Adam wasn't a wuss, and he definitely wasn't going to be a wuss about the biggest wuss he knew.

"There he is..." Jaiden grinned, peeking across the park from behind the large stone the two of them had taken refuge behind. "Oh boy." Adam mumbled, staring at the tall blonde who sat peacefully on a bench. "I'll distract him, just drop the note next to him." Jaiden instructed, Adam simply nodded in reply. And with that, she'd left the rock, rushing across the park to greet James. Adam crept in the other direction, this definitely didn't look weird to any other park-goers. "Hi James!" Jaiden chirped, encouraging James to look in her direction. "Hey." He smiled, turning to face her completely. With a slightly shaky hand, Adam slipped the envelope next to him. He'd nearly done it, all that was left was to escape without drawing attention to himself. As he slipped behind the bathrooms, he leaned against the wall, slumping downwards with a relieved sigh, mission accomplished. "What's this?" He heard James query in the distance, "Ooh, does someone have an admirer?" Jaiden cooed, though as she spoke Adam's stocky frame tensed up, his heart sinking to his shoes as he realized one fatal thing.

He forgot to write his name.

Love Letter (SomethingElseYT x TheOdd1sOut)Where stories live. Discover now