Just Really Unethical

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Chapter 1

After letting go of Alex's hand he goes to the kitchen to help Lori. Annie drags me into the living room only to let go of me to pick up the baby. Adam claps his hand on my back and says, to come with him, reluctantly I do. He leads me through the kitchen and out the back door to the porch, "So Luke, tell me a bit about yourself and how you met my sister."

"Well, I'm twenty-two but you already know that, I graduated from Stanford university, with a major in mathematics and a minor in secondary education. I grew up in Montana with a lot of land with a lot of animals to care for with my parents. As for how I met Anneliese its kind of funny. I was walking to the office to sign in for my first day but I wasn't watching where I was going since I was reading over something and I ran right into Annie because she was reading as well and we fell. I had thought she was a teacher as well. At least until I saw her sitting in the back of my first period AP Calculus class, and I tried giving her a detention for texting during class." I say while shuffling my feet somewhat embarrassed.

"You're pretty dumb when it comes to the ladies aren't you?" Adam says laughing lightly.

"Yeah, I can be. I mean I did grow up on a farm and most boys that do aren't the best with the ladies, especially the ones who also happen to be complete nerds." I say laughing with him.

"Well aside from you trying to give my sister detention, you seem like a really good guy and I want to thank you again for being there for her when no one else was. I don't know where she'd be if it weren't for you and frankly I'm glad I don't have to think about that because other than a few light battle scars our Ann seems perfectly fine." Adam's voice was smaller now like he was trying not to cry.

"I'm just glad I got there I wish I had been faster. And its really my fault to begin with, I mean I asked her to help me coach. I'm sorry I let your sister get hurt." I said feeling really guilty and not wanting to cry.

"Hey, you didn't know. Now why don't we go back inside, I'm sure everyone thinks I'm threatening you or something." Adam pats me on the back as we turn to go back inside the house.

Annie comes running, well as close to running as she can get and hugs me, "I thought you left, next time a little warning would be nice before you wander off." She says with this look of really worry and frustration on her face.

"I'm sorry Annie, it wont happen again." I smile and kiss her forehead, hugging her back.

"Alright everyone, dinner is ready." Lori calls out from the kitchen.

We all file into the dining room and some how everyone fits at that one table, including the new additions to the family. The table was set with enough plates and all the food was already out, the guys started dishing themselves up so food. I helped Annie then got my own, everyone started eating and making some small talk, in which even I participated in. "So Aaron, Anneliese asked earlier if you had practice, but she never said what for and I'm kind of curious. What do you play?"

"Oh, I play baseball. Minor leagues, Omaha Storm Chasers. I'm a pitcher, left handed." He says with a nod, proud he made it that far.

"Wow, thats pretty impressive. So how long have you been in Nebraska?" I ask still curious about him.

"I've been there about four years now. But I visit as much as possible, but it will be less seeing as spring training has started." He says taking a bite of his dinner.

"Its a real bummer that you can't see your family as much as you'd like." I give him a sad smile to which he nods in return.

Over the rest of dinner I learned more about everyone. It was really nice and everyone seemed to like me which put me more at ease about what's happening. I just hope I'm going to be able to watch her at school and still come off as professional to others. As if knowing what was going on in my head Alex asks Anneliese if she plans on going to school tomorrow.

"I don't know Dad, I'd need a ride since my truck died and I can't run like I normally would." Annie says with a shrug.

"Well I can drive you in the morning tomorrow then I got to go back to school but after that Mom will probably have to unless Allen plans on staying here for a while." Adam offers.

"I can drive you as long as you don't mind getting to school really early." I suggest not even thinking about it. Everyone turns to look at me and thats when I realized what I said. "But if you don't want me to or don't feel comfortable with that its fine. Sorry I even mentioned it." I look down at my now empty plate feeling like a complete idiot.

"Actually I have no problem with that. It'd stop me from almost always being late." Anna says taking ahold of my hand and giving it a light squeeze to reassure me that everything is okay.

"I don't see why that wouldn't work. And if anyone see's you guys you can always just say you're a friend of the family giving her a ride since her car broke down and y'all are going to the same place." Adam throws in, "I mean it wouldn't be like you're lying seeing as we consider part of the family now and the rest is true. And once we get Ace's car fixed she can drive herself again." Alex and Lori exchange looks and then both shrug and nod in agreement with the idea.

"So what time should I be ready for you to pick me up?" Anna asks me.

"Well since school starts at 7:30 I like to get there around 6:00 but thats a little early if I'm bringing you along with me so I'll be here at 6:15 to pick you up so we will get to the school around 6:30 to 6:45ish, if that works for you." I say with a small smile while looking at her.

"I think I can be ready by then." Anna smiles back at me.

"You two are just too cute." Lori says with a bright smile looking at us. Annie turns away blushing, I just smile and laugh a little and kiss her hair.

"Well I better be getting home seeing as I can't sleep here and I could use a shower and some clean clothes." I stand up and kiss Anneliese on the forehead, "Goodnight everyone, if I don't see you in the morning I will another time." And I walk to the door with Annie following me. We get to the door and I turn to look at her, and just as she is about to say something I lean down and kiss her. I pull away telling her goodnight and telling her I'll text her when I got home.


A/N: I hope you liked the first chapter. There is more to come, please read, add it to your reading list and vote and comment as you see fit.


Just Really Unethical (Sequel to Just Extremely Unethical)Where stories live. Discover now