but now i'm wondering if he secretly liked that shit this whole time.

today was the day we were finally going to be leaving jared's house and continuing on our way to canton. jared was basically begging us not to leave, and he seemed especially upset to see michael go

which makes sense, because i may or may not have heard michael moaning "yes jare don't stop" when i went to use the bathroom last night.

fuck. so michael and gazzy have both gotten some dick, but i haven't. does the universe not want me to get dick or something?

anyway, we were pretty much on our way to go, jared standing outside of our car as we packed up trying to delay us from leaving.

"it must be nice to go on a road trip. shit seems fun," he sighed with a sad face

"not really," stokeley cut in, "not with jahseh's non driving ass, gazzy's slow ass, omar's snoring ass, michael's singing ass-"

"michael has a beautiful voice, don't be rude," jared cut in.

yeah, i bet you would think so, he was moaning your name with his "beautiful voice" last night.

"and gazzy is far from slow, he's a genius." omar added.

stokeley rolled his eyes. "oh really....aye gazzy, what's 2+2?"

"uh..." gazzy visibly struggled to come up with the answer. it was honestly adorable. "22?"

"i rest my case," stoke shook his head, while me, michael and jared bursted out laughing.

"welp, bye y'all," jared sulked, "i guess i'll just be here all alone, by myself."

"you wanna come with us, don't you?" stokeley asked, shaking his head. "there ain't even no room in the car."

"actually there is," michael added. "if somebody is willing to sit on somebody's lap there is...."

i like where this is headed.

"so if whoever is the smallest...which would be either jah or gazzy is willing to sit on someone's lap-"

"i'll sit on omar's lap!" gazzy volunteered before michael was even able to get his sentence out. "i mean...if he's okay with that. so jare can fit in the car."

"actually jah can sit in my lap if he wants," i turned my head over to stokeley, who was casually fiddling with his durag. "that would be better actually, because jah can't drive."

"can y'all hurry up and decide who's sitting on who's lap so jare can go with us?" michael whined.

"calm down gecko boy, jah's sitting on my lap, aint that right jah?" stokeley turned to me, a smirk on his face.

what am i gonna do? say no?

after seating arrangements were planned out, i took my long awaited seat in the back of the car, on stoke's lap, as the 6 of us piled into the car.

"i wouldn't even need to sit on stoke's lap if all y'all weren't so damn fat," i said as michael started the car and began to drive off. "all y'all big ass niggas. jared is built like a pork chop, michael is built like a fucking brick, gazzy is built like 2007 gucci mane, omar is built like a damn ostritch, with his tall ass.... and stoke fat ass is built like an ice cream truck."

"i might be built like an ice cream truck, but you built like an ice cream cone. triangle built ass nigga," stokeley shot back, slapping my thigh as he did so.

and i'm not about to sit here and say him slapping my thigh ain't turn me on, because it did. damn, i got turned on by everything.

as the car ride progressed, and things quieted down, i shifted in my seat as i felt something poking my ass.

at first i thought it was sitting on something, but then i remembered i was in stoke's lap. whatever was poking me wasn't going away, so that only meant one thing.

stoke got hard from me being in his lap.

i didn't know what to do. i wasn't going to say anything, because obviously i didn't want to embarass him in front of everybody, but i couldn't ignore it. i felt it. stokeley was hard because of me.

and i couldn't do shit about it.

i continued to shift in his lap, because having someone's hard dick continuously poking you was actually quite uncomfortable, but also because i felt myself begin to get wetter. this was not the time....

i felt him harshly grip my side. "stay still." he ordered me between gritted teeth.

i gulped and did as i was told. fuck, stokeley being dominant was sexy as hell, it sent chills down my spine.

and then i felt him sliding a hand down the back of my basketball shorts and gripping my bare ass cheek, massaging it softly. i let out soft, barely audible whimpers as he did so.

he removed his hand, and i didn't even have a chance to complain about it, because soon he slid his hand down the front of my shorts.

it didn't hit me until he whispered to me to raise myself up that he was trying to finger me.

getting fingered in a car full of other people was quite risky, but i did what i was told anyway and raised myself up so that he could position his fingers the way that he needed to.

once he found it, i sat back down and allowed him to do what he wanted.

he licked his fingers before placing them in my shorts and sliding them into my hole. i squirmed at the sudden penetration, but after stokeley gripped my side again, signalling for me to stay still, i stopped.

stokeley continued to pump his long, skinny fingers in my tight wet hole, earning soft whimpers from me. i felt like i was going to lose my mind. i had to keep myself together, but it was getting harder and harder with the way his fingers slipped in and out of my pussy.

my noises started to get louder and he slapped my thigh. "quiet down baby. you wouldn't want the others to figure out what i'm doing to you now would you?"

i bit down on my lip, keeping my noises in as he continued to finger me. i looked around at the others, and no one seemed to suspect a thing.

 i was pretty sure i was going to cum soon. stokeley filling my hole with his fingers and teasing my clit with my his thumb was driving me insane as it was, but the added pressure of us doing this in a car full of people, and the simple fact that it was stoke was turning me on that much more.

my eyes rolled back into my head and my cheeks went flushed as i came into my shorts, holding back the moans i so desperately wanted to let out as i rode out my high.

good thing i was wearing dark shorts, or else that would have looked awkward.

i didn't even realize i was panting and that my cheeks were flushed until i looked in a mirror. this was definitely the hottest thing i've done in weeks.

"jah, you alright?" stokeley asked me, letting out chuckles. he thought this shit was funny.

"yeah, i'm fine."

i just got fingered in a car with 4 other people in it by my so called "straight" best friend. no big deal.

𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘥 ✧ 𝙨𝙡𝙪𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now