The bad news (part 8)

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                          [A/N]: Animal Name
                          [P/N]: Pet Name
                          [F/F]: Favorite Food
                          [F/W]: Favorite Weapon

[Y/N] and the gang were having an amazing time. The yellow team kept on learning new and new things about [Y/N]. Such as her [F/F] and a pet [A/N] named [P/N] even though [Y/N] can't do turf wars she really loves the [F/W]. They even learned that the squid sisters, off the hook, and [Y/N] were friends since they were little. And the time that she got discovered was a talent show she had in elementary. They all didn't want their friendship to ever end.

But only one inkling wanted to be more then friends. He wanted [Y/N] to be his empress, he wanted her to be by his side so they could rule together. He didn't care that she is color blind he liked her true self.

[Y/N] was also feeling the same thing. In fact when she gets home she immediately starts to write fresh new songs. She knows that she's on break and she has to relax and not write any songs, but she couldn't wait for a month just to write her heart out. She never knew that this love feeling has so many mixing emotions.

[Y/N]: "let's see what else... he makes my heart beat fast, my cheeks turn red, I get nervous.... (phone starts to ring.) Hello?"

Mable: "[Y/N] this is Mable."

[Y/N]: "oh hi Mable how is your break?"

Mable: "it's good so far... but."

[Y/N]: "but?"

Mable: " boss wants us to cut the break short."

[Y/N]: "WHAT! Why?"

Mable: "He said that we are wayyy off schedule. And he said that tomorrow is the last day of break. And that you have a gig next week."

[Y/N]: "well that's stupid! He said we were wayyy ahead schedule so now he's saying that we're behind!"

Mable: "I know it's stupid but he said that we either go back after tomorrow or you will be on break forever. In other words your going to be fired and loose everything."

[Y/N]: "well that sucks! I am having a really good time here! Besides I made my very first group of friends."

Mable: "I know. But rules are rules."

[Y/N]: "(sigh) well I'll try to enjoy the last day tomorrow as much as I can."

Mable: "I'm sorry [Y/N] I wish there was something I can do about it. But as we all know I'm just an assistant."

[Y/N]: "it's not your fault Mable you are trying your best to keep me happy. I'm going to leave you alone now so you can spend some more time with your family."

Mable: "thank you [Y/N]. See you soon."

[Y/N]: "see you soon Goodnight. (Hangs up) now what? I should text prince to tell his teammates that tomorrow's the last day."

With Prince

Prince: "they brother?"

Emperor: "what is it prince?"

Prince: "why do you act nervous whenever your around [Y/N]?"

Emperor: " well... I honestly don't know.(blushes)"

Prince: "(intensely stares at him)"

Emperor: "what are you doing? Stop it that's creepy!"

Prince: " (Le Gasp) you like [Y/N]!"

Emperor: "what! No I don't!"

Prince: "ohh really? Who is the first person you think of?"

Emperor: " [Y/N]"

Prince: "what do you like about her?"

Emperor: " I like that she's cute. She's sweet, kind, and it's adorable that she's very positive even though she's color blind."

Prince: "and how do you feel about her?"

Emperor: "I feel nervous that I'll make a fool of myself in front of of her. And that she makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. And I don't wanted her to leave when the month is over. I want her to be on my side forever... (sudden realization)"


Emperor: "oh my god prince your right I do like [Y/N]!"

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Emperor: "oh my god prince your right I do like [Y/N]!"

Prince: "I told you. So when are you going to confess?"

Emperor: "somewhere this month. Since I got plenty of time."

Prince: "(Gets a text) Umm brother [Y/N] said that her boss cut her break short and that tomorrow is the last day to be here."

Emperor: "what! Then I'll have to confess tomorrow! Otherwise I'll loose my empress forever!"

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