Playing natural (part 5)

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Prince POV: I was heading home with a huge smile on my face forgetting why was I even upset in the first place. I couldn't believe I got to meet her, yeah squid sisters and off the hook are great and all but I like her better. I'll try my best to keep her secret safe. I understand that being famous is stressful but she  has a lot more fans then we have so I guess now I know why she keeps her identity a secret when shes on vacation. This totally made up my day. I wonder what was the mistake I made that made me feel mad about myself? Whatever it was I hope my brother doesn't kick me out of the house like last time. Well here goes nothing time to get rid of that smile.

"Prince where the heck were you! We were waiting you for an hour! Care to explain mr?" Yelled my brother. I looked around to see two of my teammates were siting in the couch in the living room as if they were waiting for me with their coats removed and placed on their side. "I'm sorry brother I just completely lost track of time." "What were you even doing?" He Questioned. "I was just thinking about how I caused our team to loose on a match. (I think)."

"Are you sure your alright kiddo you seem really dull or something." Questioned eging jr. "(remember just keep calm as if nothing had ever happened) I'm fine I'm just feeling under the weather that's all." I said.

"Are you sure?  You never had that expression on your face before. Is something wrong hun?" Said N-Pacer. "No I'm alright like I said I'm just not feeling good. A good night sleep will make me feel better. I will come back down here tomorrow morning and discuss whatever you need to tell me. Now will you excuse me I will be heading to my room. (zooms towards his bedroom)." "Emperor not to sound bad or anything but I think we're putting to much pressure on your brother." Said eging jr.

I rushed to my room so I can be alone. I actually did good on hiding my expression. I just need to play natural until [Y/N] is ready to tell her secret herself. I just hope that they will forget what just happened maybe a goodnight rest will keep me calm and distracted until the morning sunshine rises.

The next morning.

Prince POV: (yawns) What time is it? 5:00am? Did I really slept that early? Well I'm awake now there's nothing for me to do until my teammates and my brother wake up. I wonder if [Y/N] is awake? I doubt she is but it's worth a try to make sure.

[Y/N] POV: after arriving home yesterday after talking to prince I started to finish unpacking. After I did that I went right to bed. As usual I woke up at 5:00am. I started doing my normal morning routine such as taking a shower,brushing my teeth, eating breakfast, and doing a little morning yoga. While I was finishing up I received a text from prince. It said "Hi [Y/N] how are you doing?" I decided to respond back only because I needed a break to text someone I actually know instead of texting to fans on social media. Did I mentioned that I have over 200 texts in one night. "I'm doing great just trying to get use to my new place that I'm staying in." "That's great to hear. It's not that bad here when you enjoy yourself such as doing some turf wars with your friends and stuff." Right friends and... turf wars... "I know that it's a nice place to stay that's why I chose here to take a break." "Cool. Anyways do you want to meet at the cafe like around 6:30am usually it's really quiet and calm before inklings arrive to do their usual routine." I started to hesitate for a moment eventually I decided to accept his offer. "Sure that sounds great! I'll meet you there later!" "Later."

Prince POV: yes she accepted! I have a lot of questions to ask her like her favorite food, her favorite color, everything about her. Especially what inspired her to become a famous love song artist. After an hour on being on the phone playing games I hear a knock on my door. "Prince it's us eging jr and N-Pacer. We need to talk to you." Oh no is this about yesterday! Ok prince just act natural and you'll be ok. (Takes a deep breath) "coming!" (Opens the door) "What do you two need to talk about?" "Well you see you never acted like this before and we want to make sure if you are alright." Said eging jr. "oh umm there's no need to worry I'm fine besides I'm feeling better today than I was yesterday." "Well that's great to hear prince. Also we have another question to ask you. Are you feeling pressured about this whole being the best thing?" Said N-Pacer. "To be honest yes I actually am. But I'm sure I will get use to it eventually." "Ok that's all we needed to know. We will leave you alone. Just remember if you need something off your chest we will be here for you." "Ok thank you." (They leave) They sure are the best they are really caring if you get to know them better. (Looks at his phone) It's already 6:00am I better get ready to go to the cafe.

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