Is it over ?!?

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It's the Next day

Bren pov
I woke up to a sound of my phone going off I jumped up fast thinking it was Colby. I grabbed my phone it said Colby I was so happy he texted me but when I opend it. I saw a video I played it, it was of me and him i didn't know what to think all I wanted to do is cry I threw my phone across the door knowing he did that so I could be even more depressed "WHY CANT HE JUST FORGIVE ME ALREADY" I yelled across the room. I got up and got dress to walk my dog. I went outside walking Kobe  I saw Colby car I forgot he left it . So he has to come over and get it and maybe I can try talking to him again. But he might make sam or Corey to come get it so he can't see me ugh

Colby pov
I starting geting up for the day i wasn't thinking about anything my mind was so clear. I got up put some clothes on and went downstairs "good morning hoesss" uncle Elton said  good morning I said with a   Soft tone I walked over to the kitchen to get some water out of the fridge. I heard Corey yell "COLBYYY SOME ONE STOLE UR CAR HURRY COME LOOK"   I ran outside then it hits me all the bad  memories came back "i  left it at brennens"
"Why how did u get home" Sam asked
" Brennen took me home , we got into a argument"
I starting geting that feeling I had last night knowing Brennen is gone I can't see him anymore
"I'm sorry bro u want me to go get it" Sam asked
"No it's okay I'll go get it "
"You sure" sam
"Yeah" i said
I starting walking inside making my way upstairs to get my keys thinking when I see Brennen face again it's gonna break me all over again
I made my way back downstairs to get sam
"SAM LETS GO " I yelled
"OKAY IM COMING" he yelled back
We both starting laughing

Bren pov
After walking Kobe for  an good 40mins I starting walking home  then I see a white car that looks like sam passing me I starting running to make sure it wasn't sam I got to the house there was a white car on the side of the road it was sam i saw Colby at his car Colby turned around and looked at me in my eyes "Colby" he didn't say anything  he just kept looking at me "he came to get his car ." Sam said in a angry tone Colby stopped looking at me then got inside his car  I wanted to tell him i finally want him I choose him Maggie is gone I don't want anyone in my life but him but he didn't give me a chance to he stared his car and drove away with Sam. I just watch them leave like everything is okay knowing that Colby isn't talking to me hurts I fuckin messed up our friendship knowing I promised him it wouldnt I starting walking to the door went inside I forgot to lock my door again "damn it" I went to change and grabbed a cup of liquor , sat on the couch watching a movie with Kobe .......


Sorry it's short but hope y'all like it

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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