Chapter Seven-Early Morning Greetings

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Chapter Seven

Early Morning Greetings

"About time you got your ass out of bed." Is my nice, sweet greeting as I get up. Confused, I roll over to find Bucky sitting on the edge of my bed watching the news.

"You're watching the news? God. You're such a grandpa." I mumble before sitting up and getting hit in the face with a migraine. "Ah, ouch." My hand flies to my head and my eyes shut.

"That's what you get for being a fucking idiot. Drink this." He turns and hands me a bubbly drink and I take a few gulps before putting it on my bedside table.

"So, what? I got a little wasted. Bite me." I smart and stand, immediately wobbling like a top about to topple. Of course, Bucky's there in a second to hold me up.

"Take it slow." He warns before releasing me to stand on my own. Carefully, I wobble my way over to the bathroom to pee and wash my make-up off so I don't look as much like a drowned raccoon. Brushing my teeth comes next and when I walk out I don't feel nearly as horrible. I walk out to find Bucky in the same place, eyes glued to the screen.

"Thanks...again." I say hesitantly as I walk over to him. I sit on the bed next to him and sigh. "You didn't have to stay." My voice is quiet next to the commanding voices on the television, but silence engulfs us when he turns it off.

"Of course, I had to stay. Choking on vomit isn't a great way to die." He sasses and I shake my head.

"Lose the attitude, Bucky. I'm not a child to be reprimanded." I scold him firmly, but he just explodes off the bed and walks to the counter across from me, leaning back against it to yell at me.

"You acted like a child! Going out and getting drunk without a way, a reliable way, to get home? The fuck were you thinking?" He scolds me anyway.

"I had a friend there, he thought I already had a ride, so he left. It's no one's fault." I defend myself as he leans against the counter, facing me. Suddenly, he's quiet.

"Another way home, huh?" His voice is low and deep, tickling my spine with it's emotion. "Do you usually kiss a man, then go out to immediately find another?" My mouth drops at his words.

"Well, when said man tells me he'd like to spend time with me, then changes his mind after a kiss, yeah. My ego gets a little bruised." I shoot back, my own temper flaring. Bucky's expression falters and my anger slowly evaporates. "Just be honest. You like me, I know you do. There's no other reason why you'd put up with so much bullshit." I call him out and wait for him to decide on his next move. He stares me down as I continue to wait, knowing he'll have something to say.

"God, of course I do. Of course, I like you, doll. But getting involved with carries more weight than just the possibility of risking your career." A small smile teases my lips.

"Because you're a public figure? Mr. Hero?" I tease just a little and see a slight amount of weight leave his shoulders. His head lifts and he looks at me with sad blue eyes.

"More like villain." Bucky corrects morosely. At that I'm up and walking over to him.

"There's one thing I know about you Bucky; you're not a villain. Not even close, okay?" I assure him and make him look at me with ginger hands framing his face. "You hear me, you fluffy ass?" Finally, he cracks a smile. His hair is too tempting to resist this close, so I run my hands through it happily.

"I hear you." Bucky responds eventually and I smile.

"Good. Now, are you going to kiss me, or what?" I question and he laughs before doing just that. His lips claim mine and soon we're backing up onto my bed. Laughing, we both fall back and bounce a little on my cheap box springs.

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