Chapter 3

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(Ellie for her party)

Two weeks later

******Charlotte's POV******

Today is Ellie's 5th birthday, so I planned a party for her. She also got a new dress for the party (at the top). Ellie was all dressed up and ready. I put a blindfold over her eyes and walk her to her party. When we got there, I took off the blindfold and everyone yelled surprise! She was so happy.

Ellie's food table:

She loved it! She's been talking a lot lately, it makes me happy

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She loved it! She's been talking a lot lately, it makes me happy. I invited my cousin, Alyssa, her alpha mate, Max, and her 6 year old son, Kayden.

Alyssa and Max:

Alyssa and Max:

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I had Ellie meet Kayden

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I had Ellie meet Kayden. They got along so well. They also played with the other alpha's kids, as us, Alphas and Lunas talked.

"Charlotte, Liam, do you think they could be mate someday?" Alyssa asked.

"I won't allow it! Not my baby girl!" Liam yelled.

"I don't think so, but maybe." I said.

I look over at Ellie and see her hold hands with Alpha Thompson's son, Andrew. Kayden walks up to Ellie and he glares at him as he tries to take Ellie's other hand. Oh god... I turn back to Liam and the others.

"Is something the matter, Charlotte?" Liam asked me. I want to say no, but I couldn't lie to him.

"It nothing. umm... Dianna, can i speak to you?" I said.

"Of course, Charlotte." She said and we walk over near the kids.

"What's up?" She said in a happy voice.

"It our kids, I think they may be mate..." I said as I point at the Andrew and Ellie holding hands. her hand flew up to her mouth.

"What do we tell the guys?" She asked.

"We can't, you know how they get..." I said as we walked back over and when we got back our worst fear came true...

"Can't tell us what?" Liam said as he and Alpha Thompson look down on us with that "you better tell us now" face. I just pointed at Andrew and Ellie holding hand as they walked around. They let go of each other when Ellie fell down for be push by Lucas, Andrew's younger brother. Andrew jump in fount of Ellie and tell Lucas, he better stop. Sam and Jack came over after Andrew helped Ellie up.


*********Thank you for reading this amazing chapter

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*********Thank you for reading this amazing chapter. BTW Andrew is 7 years old. So 2 years part.

Do you think Andrew and Ellie should be mates or just great friends?

You answer effects this story! So choose wisely!

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