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"I don't think that man is a qualified doctor."

You said to your captain as he chugged his beer, across the bar was the infamous former warlord Trafalgar Water D. Law. You have had a couple of run ins with the Heat pirates, but never anything that resorted to a full on battle between you two. It was mainly Law flirting shamelessly with you as you disregarded him as per whilst trying to conceal an ebbing fear, he was very assertive, and made it very clear that he was interested in you. There were three things that you did not like about Law, first he was a doctor, granted you didn't know his credentials, but what you did know was he didn't the name surgeon of death for no particular reason. Second the way he fucking looked at you, the devious smirk, hungry eyes, he looked at you as if you were some sort of conquest, you've killed men for lesser glances, but you were not about to up against him... not right now anyway. The third thing was the fact he had the cutest, fluffiest navigator that just made you heart burst from a cuteness overload, but you couldn't pet him! Bepo was just so cute it took most of your will power not to just hug the life out of him. Now normally you wouldn't be anywhere near Law, but the Heart pirates and your captain's crew, the cove pirates, were in the same vicinity because you, the Strawhats, the minks, and the heart pirates have formed a temporary alliance to take down one of the four emperors, so for the time being you had to deal with Law looking at you in such a creepy manner.

The barmaid slid a beer in front of you; you looked up at the busty blonde with a tilt of your head,

"The gentleman in the hat bought you a beer."

She said motioning none other than water boy himself, how unfortunate. Your captain glanced up to look at Law, he was pissed right off, how dare another pirate captain make moves on his crew? All the while an internal conflict of your own was going on in your head, be the bigger person, drink the beer and let Law have some sick satisfaction over you, or flick your fingers and watch it go flying across the room... in your defence you thought the later was a excellent choice.

You watched as the barmaid quickly ran from behind the counter to clean up the sudsy mess of broken glass,

"Pipin, Vagrill, (y/n) we are leaving!" Your captain hissed through gritted teeth as he stormed out of the tavern, you, your quartermaster and mechanic following suit.

"I want to know who the Hell he thinks he is! Who the Hell he thinks I am!"

Dog mouth barked walking back to your ship, Queen Ann's revenge, which was stationed close to your newly formed allies.

"He is nothing compared to you captain!" Pipin screeched, with Vagrill nodding ferociously behind him.

"Let's just kill Kaido, and then I'll graciously take his spot as yonko and I'll never have to see Law again."

Dog mouth said with a grin, as you neared the ship ready to go sit in a bath and relax.

Once in the safety of your chambers, you stripped off your gear, clothes, and underwear, heading towards the bathroom to draw yourself a nice bubble bath and relax.

The more time you spent submerged in the water, the more you thought of your past... all you've done to get where you are, and all you still needed to do. You thought about your family for a brief moment, before the thought fled your head as quick as it came, the past was always a hard thing for your mind to wrap around. It was like a fleeting high, and you found yourself spending your life trying recapture that high but always falling to grasp it. Why could you never grasp it?

The moon's reflection danced across the waves as silver ribbons, lessening the inky blackness of the night, but not so bright as to dull the stars that speckled and glittered in the heavens above. Some night's you found it hard to believe that this was the same moon that you use to look up as a child and ponder the vast expanse of space, it just felt like when you closed that chapter in your life, everything was new, nothing held the same sentimental value to you anymore, as if everything was given a clean sleight, including you. You leaned against the oak railing, a cigarette resting between your lips; the cold night wind caressed your bare leg softly. In hindsight you shouldn't have worn such a short robe, but on the other hand no one was going to see you like this, and you were just having a quick smoke break so you wouldn't be out for long.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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