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It was not diner time we where siting in the cafeteria my heather and i

"HADDOCK YOU MADE ASTRID CRY" heather yelled at my astrid told her what happend

"WHAT? stop yelling i know it was my fault i should have just beated him up" i said then Jack said down
"Beat up who" he asked
"The boy who kissed my princess" i said she looked at my and frowned
"If she was my girl i would have crushed him with a car" he said and took out his phone

"Thanks jack for giving him GREAT ideas" astrid said
"What? what did i do " he said he was hurt haaha
"You give my man ideas to crush my neigbour" she said loudly i smiled at the 'My man'
"and what you smiling for " she asked my i didnt respond
"Anywas Hiccup when can i have a ride in your car i am diying to sit in it please" Jack beged
"Right now we can go" i said
"Really and we can even pick up girls come on " he said astrid gived my a dead glare
"HADDOCK IF YOU DO SOMETHING CHEESY I AM BREAKING YOUR NECK" she yelled at my but i was long gone
My and Jack walked to my car and we sat in
"Alright stop yelling you ready" i said and pulled out
"HELL YEA I AM READY" he yelled again
"I said stop yelling" i said and stoped at exit of the parking lot
"Alright look i want the full experience please dont go easy on my" he said
"AS YOU WISH" i said and floored it the tires made the spining sound the car took of like a gun


I walked outside to see my boyfriend pulling out with him car

"He is gonna crash that thing he drives like a maniac" Heather said i looked at her
"Omg you streesing my out he drives like a maniac and since he is with a boy he is not going easy" i said i was getting worried for him then we heard a loud car coming i turned to the exit and saw hiccup flying

"DEAM did you see that he was going like 200km/h " heather said i ran to the exit and saw him turn around

"He is not going easy poor car" She said i was getting very worried for him and Jack he looked like a cool guy

"Dude you should scare your girlfriend" Jack said
"Good idea lets pretend we gonna crash lets see if she really loves my" i said i know that now she was worried sick but for the fun
"And remember it was your idea" i said and floored it and turned a corner so hard the back of the car slided a little but since its ALL WHEEL DRIVE it got grip and pulled


"HICCUP" i yelled he almost crash i almost had an heart attack
"OMG I AM GONNA KILL THAT KID " i yelled in frustation
"Calm down breath calm down he is gonna be fine" Heather tried calming my down
"I hope i need to stop him" i said and i saw him turn around i walked in the middle of the road he was coming fast but he slowed down he parked and got out

"ASTRID WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" he yelled at him how dare
"HICCUP YOU ALMOST CRASHED I WAS WORRIED SICK BUT SINCE YOU DONT CARE maybe we should not be " i said the last part slowly he walked over to my
"Aww i am sorry i was just giving him a ride he told me not to go easy on him" he said i pouched his arm
"That hurt" he said and rubed him arm

"Good i hope it will hurt" i said and hugged him
"Sorry guys but we gonna go get ice cream" i looked at him and smiled
"Hmm not bad haddock you trying i like it" i said and walked to his car and we drove off

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