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For those who've already read part 1 & 2 there are some changes to go along with some new ideas so if you want you should read it, it is a recommendation so you won't be confused. (P.S, is anyone else thinking of a doctor Daniel Gillies? Cause hot damn!)

It all started a week ago when Stiles first got sick. At first it was the intense headaches that started a little after his nightmares of the nogitsune. It felt more like someone was pounding his head open with a sledgehammer the following day, not even Tylenol helped. He was fine for the next two days which was weird to Stiles but shook it off thinking it was stress. The fourth day though was full of vomiting and retching in front of the toilet. His stomach kept pumping trying to rid itself of anything stored in there. When his father arrived to a house filled with the stench of something spoiled and the bitterness of illness he immediately rushed up the stairs worried about his son. He found him crumpled in front of the toilet with his head down and eyes closed. The pungent smell made his nose wrinkle up and his face contort in disgust. This was not what he wanted to come home to. Meanwhile Stiles was passed out on the floor dreaming of nothing, just floating around in the dark abyss of his mind.

When he came to he was disoriented and almost fell when his foot got caught in his comforter. How did I get here? Last thing I remember was puking my guts out and then everything went black. Just then his dad walked through the door with a nice steaming bowl of soup and a cup of ginger ale. " I thought the bed would be a lot more comfy than the bathroom floor." He explained seeing his sons confused face. "Oh well thanks dad, I don't know what happened. The past week I've been feeling sick, like Monday and Tuesday I had I giant headache ,after my nightmares he thought, then I was fine for two days and now I'm throwing up everything in my stomach.  I don't think I'm gonna be able to eat that soup, sorry dad." He said sort of guilty that his dad spent his time making something for him and not accepting it.

"Don't say sorry kiddo, it's not your fault you got a stomach bug. Now let's get you some rest and give you some medicine and you should be good as new tomorrow." He stated without leaving room for arguments. Unfortunately he had never been more wrong, Stiles woke up every morning for the rest of the week rushing towards the bathroom to empty his stomach. Ughh it's been a whole week and it hasn't gone away. Maybe it's time for a doctor." With that in mind he quickly cleaned up and made his way towards the doctors. When he got there he signed in and waited his turn, soon enough a nurse popped out of the door calling his name.

The doctors name was Dr. Mikaelson which seemed vaguely familiar. He was very handsome, with brown hair hair and eyes that reminded Stiles of chocolate . His jawline was sharp and had scruff that made Stiles want to touch, but thankfully he resisted, though what peaked Stiles' interest the most was his accent. He sounded English but Stiles just couldn't pinpoint it. Anyways when the kind doctor asked what was wrong Stiles dove into the multiple symptoms he'd been having for the past couple of days. Vomiting, headaches, mood swings, weird fatigue, and many more random things.

The symptoms were really weird and just didn't add up. He expected it to just be a severe stomach bug, but when the doc came back with some results he was shocked down to his very core. Pregnant. He was pregnant. What the fuck? How am I pregnant?  I'm a man and last time I check I had a dick, I haven't had sex with someone since last month. It was that British guy that I can't seem to forget. His sandy brown hair that curled in the front, dark blue eyes that were a stark contrast to his pearly white skin, and those flushed pink lips that felt so amazing on my skin. God I need to stop thinking about him. I might pop a hard on if I don't. By the time Stiles was pulled back to the present the doc had left him alone seeing as he had zoned out.

Elijah's POV: (but sort of still 3rd Person)
He'd known as soon as he stepped into the room that the pale boy was expecting. He could hear the boys heart beat and then one smaller and faster one inside him. Elijah didn't know how to tell this boy that there was another being growing inside him without freaking the boy out, so he decided to play as the doctor he had compelled everyone to believe he was. He asked the boy for his name, then asked what was wrong acting curious. After Stiles explained his symptoms he pretended to be intrigued and confused as to why he felt that way and kindly, as to not embarrass him, asked him to urinate in the small container that was on the counter. Acting was never his thing so he slipped out of the room as soon as the boy placed the cup into the cubby where he could grab it.

He spent the next 20 minutes sitting in a chair waiting for the results from the lab that he already knew the answer to. Thinking of ways to tell him, Elijah walked slowly down the hall to Stiles' room and opened the door. He blurted out that Stiles was pregnant which was a mistake seeing as the boy was practically frozen in his seat. Stuck in his own world, possibly thinking what the hell or just frozen from shock. Neither were of importance for him really, but what was strange was he could smell a hint of his brother on the boy. It was just a small bit of him, but he'd recognize the scent immediately, and then it hit him like a train. His brother had impregnated some kid. God his life just got more complicated. Now he'd have to find out a way to break the news to his temperamental brother without him killing the boy and the baby. GREAT!

Okay so there were some minor changes but it was just a few touch ups and stuff. Not really that important but whatever. But part 2 is definitely gonna be different so stay tuned.

-Love Jahnae ❤️

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