Chapter 13: M Murder

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(4 Months later)

So it turns out all that dumb shit was a dream, I still live with the guys Danny, George, Dylan, Jorel, Jordan with a few new people Gerard and Mikey. What pisses me off is that Matt couldn't go through with having a sex slave in the house and he left, the only one who was nice to me left.

It is currently one week before Christmas and due to police being hot on the boys trail cause of some weird drug shit, we had to move. We moved to Hollywood, stupidly it was on the bad side of town but it was cheap. There was no more scheduled days, when they go away the get Aron to watch me so I don't run. While he's here my job is cook, clean and maintain the vegetables we had out front.

"Ash!" Mikey yells up to me I ran downstairs towards him, "We're going out to the bar for a bit, Aron will be here soon so just stay put until he does" I nod my head while looking up at him. As hot as Aron was he was a complete douche, I walk to my room and jump on my bed. Might as well relax a bit before Aron gets here, you see Aron is a mix between two things a douche and a perv but he can be nice sometimes.

As soon as I hear the door open I get up, I take a deep breath and open the door. "Ashley!" he yells up the stairs, I walk downstairs and go face to face with him. "You can get started on the kitchen then work your way upstairs" I nod my head and walk towards the kitchen, this was weird usually he's very stern when telling me to clean but right now he sounded kind of.... sad?

I finish up the downstairs area and move up to the bedrooms, I finally finished and moved onto the vegetables outside. Aron was nowhere to be seen so I decided to just go outside and do it without him breathing on my neck the whole time, I grab some gloves and water and went outside. I was about to finish when a man walked up to me, "hey baby whats yo name" when he spoke all I smelt was weed and alcohol.

I wasn't about to get a beating for talking to a stranger so I quickly walked towards the door, his hand gripped tightly around my wrist. "Where do you think your going" his drunken voice growls, "let go of me" I cry while pulling my arm away. He pulls me into his chest and drags me towards a alleyway "Aron, Aron!" I scream while struggling.

Aron comes running out the door and runs towards us, he tackles the guy onto the ground and punches him over and over. A few minutes later he gets up and pulls a gun out and shoots the man, I froze in shock as the mans body went limp. Aron grabs me and pulls me inside "go upstairs and start packing everyone's stuff now!" I run upstairs and start packing while Aron calls the guys, they get home quickly and immediately I hear yelling.

"Aron what the fuck did you do! wheres Ashley?!" I hear Danny yell "shes upstairs packing your stuff!" footsteps pound up the stairs as I start packing faster with tears falling down my face. I didn't know who's room I was in but I threw everything into a suitcase, Jorel bursts in and looks at my trembling body shoving clothes into a bag. He pulls me away and pushes me towards the door "go pack your own clothes I got mine" I go to my room and start packing. Within 5 minutes everyone was outside throwing stuff into the van, as police sirens echoed the streets we all got in and sped away.

"Shit, shit, shit Aron why the fuck did you have to shoot him!" George yells at him, "The son of a bitch was about to fucking kidnap Ash!" I look up still trembling from the sight I saw. Jordan looks at me with anger "why the fuck were you outside alone?!" he yells laying a slap on me. I don't make a noise seeing as I was use to it. I ended up falling asleep on Dylan's lap, I found out when I woke up we have been driving for 12 hours.

We pulled up to this new looking house surrounded by trees, there was only six bedrooms meaning I had to share a room with someone. I chose to stay in Danny's room since it was the biggest with 2 beds, I guess I was the only one who slept so while everyone was sleeping I was wide awake. I decided to move everything in and once I was done I sat down and watched TV, I decided to turn on the news.

Everything was on the shooting back in Hollywood, currently they have no leads in the case so I sit back and relax a bit. It was around 2AM when I feel someones hands on my shoulders I look up and see Aron, "I know what you saw was awful and i'm sorry you had to see it, but it had to be done that guy would of probably murdered you" I look up at him and I couldn't hold it back and I just started sobbing. That night I actually cried myself to sleep.

*I know this chapter is shit but its the best I can do in a few hours so this is only to set out the new story line since the old one was all over the place and pretty dumb but this is the best I can do right now so I really hope you enjoy and once again i'm sorry for taking almost 10 months to do a very short update but I hope this is good enough to set out a new story line, but its late i'm tired so have a good night/day*

Monsters (Hollywood Undead) *DISCONTINUED*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon